Thursday, August 9, 2018

Tommy Robinson under attack yet again by the same establishment trying him again for just reporting the truth about the Muslim rape gangs Ezra Levant of the Rebel media had a report today about Tommy Robinson as you know he has been released from prison but the bad news is the establishment government in the  UK is after him again as they want to try him again for contempt of court even though all he did was do a facebook live about the Muslim rape case and he is due back in September if you want to help mr robinson with legal fees you can visit the website this is truly disgraceful and even worse when he was in prison he lost 40 lbs of weight since they pretty much starved him and he has had to go to hospital twice because of this and again as I said before Theresa May and all the rest of the establishment and corrupt judges that are and were part of this need to be tried for treason and most of all booted the hell out so if ya can you can donate below the article in either canadian dollars or click the link to donate in british pounds but if not please spread the word