Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Proof veganism is a globalist cult: woman who was vegan but because of health problems has started to eat meat gets vicious death threats from unhinged militant vegan

https://www.infowars.com/woman-receives-vegan-death-threats-after-pro-meat-testimony/ A Dutch woman who was a vegan and recently because it was starting to cause her health issues started to eat animal based products and posted on social media on how much better she feels got this bizarre death threat from this militant radical vegan that she wished that someone would murder her, wished diabetes on her and so forth and I will highlight it credit to Adan Salazar of infowars.com who reported on this: “On Monday, Kristel highlighted an angry comment she received on YouTube from a hate-filled vegan, who said they hoped “someone murders” her.
“You are a worthless piece of trash; once you get fat and come down with diabetes and heart related issues what are you going to blame then?” the enraged animal rights activist’s rant began.Go f*ck yourself you ugly f*cking cunt. You ARE a murderer and I hope that someone murders you, or at the very least when you keep up your f*ck face diet that you suffer and suffer and suffer, just like the 1000’s of animals that just YOU are personally reasonable [sic] for destroying their families and ultimately killing them,” the deranged commenter stated.
“A well nourished comment,” Kristel quipped. “Vegans are so kind.” my note: this is how you know the elite push to push worldwide vegan or vegetarianism is a cult when you see unhinged militant scum demonize someone because they are no longer vegan due to health issues that they suffer it is truly deranged. I know myself when I don’t eat protein I feel like garbage so these radical vegans can piss off