Monday, August 6, 2018

Communist tech companies ban infowars from facebook, apple, Spotify and youtube while patriots rally around infowars to stand up against censorship and support free speech

Pro-First Amendment patriots are rallying behind Infowars and Alex Jones after authoritarian tech titans Facebook, YouTube, and Apple banned us from their platforms on the same day in a coordinated communist-style crackdown. Infowars and alex jones have been banned from facebook apple youtube and Spotify in a communist crackdown of anyone who has a different viewpoint on todays issues and patriots have rally around on twitter to speak out against this Orwellian censorship and to stand up for free speech which you will see the great tweets posted in the article highlight this and exposing the double standards of the establishment. Whether you like infowars or not the fact the establishment tech giants are going after mr jones and his reporters is disturbing and something we must fight against because if they can go after infowars they can come for the rest of us so it is vital we expose this censorship and fight back because without free speech we have nothing but the other thing too is the same left that Defended james gunn disgusting pedo tweets  are cheering this ban on infowars which yet again exposes their hypocrisy which jack posobeic highlighted in this tweet here: “The same people who jumped in to loudly defend James Gunn's hundreds of sexual comments about children as free speech are celebrating the banning of Alex Jones

The absolute state of the Left in 2018” my note: truly appalling isn’t it?