Thursday, August 9, 2018

5 arrested in attempted assassination of pastor Brunson and the whole turkey US debacle Newsbud founder and editor and former FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds breaks down the attempted assassination of a pastor named andrew Brunson and the ties to the CIA and how this could be used to insight tension between the US/Turkey now 6 months ago Ms Edmonds wrote an article for newsbud breaking down how rogue elements in the CIA/State department were trying to undermine his release and it gets interesting because Brunson was accused of having ties to the gulen terrorist network in regards to the failed coup of 2016 so hence why he was arrested in the first place and then the daily Sabah a Turkish publication also picked up this story and so the story gets even more interesting since the article quoted ms edmonds work and shows how 3 million was paid to take the pastor’s life and also how this could have been used to make turkey look like the bad guy in what I can see as being the perfect false flag scenario so this story continues to get more interesting by the day and of course there has been total blackout silence of the corrupt msm like usual given the fact that newsbud was the first to break this story and the fact that a Turkish publication is reporting on it as well