Monday, September 3, 2018

Kinder Morgan trans mountain pipeline dead because of whales but really it is because of radical environmentalists and their elite friends Ezra Levant of the rebel breaks down the federal court of appeals despicable decision to shut down the kinder Morgan trans mountain pipeline because of the whales but that is not true at all in fact the case was rigged from the start as the radical environmentalists said that it would be bad for the whales but as you will see here it was a scam and the idiot judge in the case in my view should be kicked out for falling for such a fraud but the other thing is they are ok with raw sewage going into the bc coast and the st. Lawrence and are ok with getting oil from Islamic fascists like Saudi Arabia but our oil is the great satan and must be held back and not mention all the jobs being tossed down the drain because of the left’s paranoid delusions about plant food killing us all unless we pay elites like gore our money based on fraudulent junk science the hypocrisy holds no bounds with these scumbags I am so sick of these people destroying our country and there are First Nations who do support our oil and gas but are ignored by the establishment media

We took for granted how lucky we are to have the resources we do and we must do everything we can do defend them against the establishment, the radical environmentalists and their elite pals like soros and company and then get them out of our country Candice Malcolm of the toronto sun with a great column summing all of this up and she evierates the left who were celebrating our demise which is not surprising giving the fact they hate this country and the people who live in it and our oil and gas workers and also exposes their hypocritical double standards as well on environmental issues