Monday, May 27, 2013

Scotland: Every child to have a "state guardian" from Birth, How young people are being brainwashed by the eco-fascists

Every baby born in Scotland is to be assigned a "state minder" from birth under absolutely draconian new proposals which would basically allow the government to spy on families under the guise of preventing child abuse.

Writing in the Scotsman of he would create a dystopian novel around this very scenario where every kid is assigned a government mentor, sociology and criminology lecturer of the University of Abertay Dundee Stuart Walton wrote: "Unfortunately, this dystopian future has arrived faster than I imagined, as last week the Scottish Government's plan to give every child a state guardian from birth was launched. The state-appointed overseer will be very specific, named individual, and every child will have one, from birth. The responsibility for creating this named guardian will fall on the heads of the health boards for the first five years of a child's life, before being transferred to councils"

This program falls under the Children and Young People Bill. Children's minister Aileen Campbell justified this by saying it would "make sure there is someone having an overview of what is happening with that child to maker sure that early indicators of anything that would pose a threat or risk to that child are flagged up"

Walton also speculated on what kind of behavior could be deemed "child abuse" including what is in the kid's school lunch box or re-define bullying to include parents yelling at their kid.

It has been well documented that schools are now encouraging children to spy on their parents' recycling habits under the guise of protecting mother earth. Could the alleged "eco-crime" of failing to place a piece of cardboard in the correct trash can prompt a kid to report his or her parents to the "state guardian" and warrant an investigation???

In the aftermath of the Jimmy Seville scandal where he was allegedly sexually abusing children and even adults a year after his death in 2011( ), concern about child abuse is rampant in the UK but is fear that has been largely been generated by the establishment media scaremongering and not an actual increase in child abuse cases.

Top judges like Alan Goldsack QC are also calling on the government to intervene to remove kids from "criminal families" at birth which is part of what they are calling "Family Intervention Projects" the British government has forced families to install surveillance cameras in their OWN homes while subjecting them to home visits to ensure that kids go to bed on time, attend school and eat proper meals.

This idea of having a government social worker assigned to basically spy on every damn family via the child is absolutely disgusting and such a notion would only be accepted in hell holes like North Korea, Maoist China, or even Stalin's Russia and yet is being proposed in current legislation

Secret police of Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu also rounded up thousands of kids from the ages of 12-14 to spy on their school friends, family and teachers according to communist era archives. At the height of his dictatorship, a whopping 15% of the country's informants were kids. They also were encouraged to report anyone who expressed a political opinion contrary to status quo or those who made fun of the Romanian dictator.

Is the Scottish government taking its cues from George Orwell's 1984?? in the dystopian classic "children who turned their own parents as traitors" are treated like heros by the Party

It is worth noting that the notion of kids being part of the collective property of the State is also creeping its ugly head in the United States as Infowars reported last month of college professor and MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry caused an outrage amongst conservatives when she made the following statement: "We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families" as part of a promo video for and MSNBC campaign "Lean Forward" (By the way, the video is posted in the article and I have seen the clip, very creepy and disturbing for sure)

Most wise folks like the ones who make up most of the common sense intelligence of the World today, know reality from pure fiction when it comes to outright lies and false claims spouted by the likes of such globalist eco-fascist minions like Suzuki, Gore, and McKibben amongst the others who think they are God and are above the "unwashed" and "unclean" humans of the world. These sick prophets of doom are targeting young minds in the colleges and universities in trying to sell their evil and horrific anti-human messages that the world is going to hell because of humanity's freedom and we should give up our lifestyles of living in clean safe homes and go back to the stone age where life was brutish and short and where we are still living in caves and cook our food over fire. It is these same morons who are telling the 3rd world that they have to remain poor because of the hoax the planet is being killed by a life giving gas CO2.

Our youth are ripe for this vultures and thanks to the dumbing down of our education system, they no longer know how to question authority, we seeing what can happen like the days of the Brown Shirts under Nazi Germany you could say that today's "brown shirts" are newly created greenwashed youth who we could call "green shirts"

And there is an article below  from No Frakking Consensu showing this very thing where it is well known eco-tryants like McKibben hate that we use cheap energy like oil, coal and gas despite the fact we have technology to produce these things safely where he toured campuses since last November in the US brainwashing students into believing this garbage and despite 3 climategates, people still believe the myth of man made climate change and that is horrifying to me because they have no idea how anti-human, anti-freedom this hoax is and even more sinister is how genocidal this myth is too...
