Thursday, May 23, 2013

British Ministers call for Mass government snooping in wake of Woolwich attack, Obama: Bring Gitmo Home

Following yesterday's brutal murder of a young solider in London, British politicians have wasted no time using the attack as the perfect excuse to resurrect a bill that would see the creation of dragnet surveillance data base which would allow the police and intelligence agencies to monitor the communications of everyone in the United Kingdom

The so called "snoopers charter" which is a proposed data base of everyone's internet and phone usage was blocked by the Deputy Prime Minister and liberal Democrat leader, Nick Clegg, who cited "significant reduction in personal privacy" though the conservatives in the government purposely left the door wide open to revive this legislation. Lord West, the former First Sea Lord and security minister, whined to reporters that shelving the scheme on Clegg's say so was a "terrible mistake"

"That information is extremely important for our security services to be able to pin down people, find out who they were linked with, find out who radicalized them" West told Sky News. "Was it just themselves or was there someone else radicalizing more people? We need to know this information and I do think that the Communications Data Bill that was due to come through but has been put on pause by the Deputy Prime Minister, I think that's a terrible mistake"-he added

The Conservative minister for faith and communities Baroness Warsi even indicated that this big brother legislation should be brought back up: "Like with any situation I'm sure people will analyze how things could be done better and I'm sure people will have a lessons-learnt exercise-she said while adding at some point the Communications data bill would "play into the debate"

Lord Reid, the former Labour Home Secretary, claimed that mass monitoring is "essential" to combatting "terrorism" and he had that politicians should not wait any longer before some "huge tragedy" to prove that scrapping the bill was the wrong thing to do: "Had we not had that method of connecting people through their communications, 2,400 people would have been blown out of the sky over the United Kingdom- he claimed referring to the throughly ridiculous liquid explosives plot of 2006

So in essence yesterday's murder is being used yet again to piss on civil liberties and to keep the people in fear so they will give up their rights under the guise of being safe from "terrorism" and it has emerged today that according to the BBC that the MI5, which has long advocated for mass communication monitoring. were aware of the suspects and sources cited reports where the 2 suspects were being targeted for investigation but were deemed to not be planning an attack and it was confirmed that one of the suspects was intercepted by the police last year while leaving the country... and the plot thickens...

In a speech aired Thursday, Obama called for the Guantanamo Bay detention center and torture facility to be moved from Cuba to the United States

"As President, I have tried to close GTMO[Joint Task Force Guantanamo]. I transferred 67 detainees to other countries before Congress imposed restrictions to effectively prevent us from either transferring detainees to other countries, or imprisoning them in the United States"- Obama said during the National Defense University speech. "Today, I once again call on Congress to lift the restrictions on detainee transfers from GTMO. I have asked the Department of Defense to designate a site in the United States where we can hold military commissions"

Back in 2006, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld that the president DOES NOT have the sole authority to create and operate military tribunals and is get authorization from Congress under the separation of powers. The Senate and House of Representatives passed the Military Commissions Act and Bush signed this into law on October 17, 2006 where it gives the president to declare individuals as "unlawful enemy combatants" and subject them to military commissions and strip them of their habeas corpus rights under Article 1 Section 9 of the United States Constitution

and now globalist puppet Obama wants to do this process in the United States again violating the Constitution. The move to domesticate Gitmo compliments H.R. 5122, the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act of 2007, allowing the president to declare martial law and the 2012 NDAA ,  which codifies the indefinite  military detention without charge or trial for the first time in American history and you recall our own government here in Canada has a similar version of the NDAA that they revived after the "foiled terror" plot of 2 Al-Qaeda(never minding they are CIA backed) members from derailing trains from Toronto to NY recently.. This why we need to continue to expose the false flags such as the 1993 WTC Bombing, the 1995 OKC Bombing, 9/11 to name some for these very  reasons..