Friday, May 3, 2013

China's Virus program criticism ignores similar threats posed by West, Democrats set to use terror watch list to demonize 2nd Amendment

According to a report yesterday May 2nd in the Independent, scientists are pissed off at China for engaging in  dangerous influenza virus research. The chinese researchers according to these scientists say that is "appalling irresponsibility" and state that there is a danger of the newly created lab strain of bird-flu mixed with human flu could cause a huge pandemic and kill millions of people.

Lord May of Oxford, who also is a former British scientist and president of the Royal Society, also slammed the Chinese effort: "They claim they are doing this to help develop vaccines and such like. In fact the real reason is that they are driven by blind ambition with no commonsense whatsoever. The record of containment in labs like this is not reassuring. They are taking it upon themselves to create human-to-human transmission of very dangerous viruses. It's appallingly irresponsible"-May said

Lord May's concern however ignores an equally dangerous bio lab containment issues here in the West.
In march of this year. the Government of Accountability Office warned that federal officials have not developed good enough standards for bio lab design, operation and construction. the GAO reports follow on that was done by the USDA inspector that found numerous violations within bio-terror labs that were ignored for many years. Prior to this the government criticized the Center for Disease Control(CDC) and Prevention Labs for not securing bio agents like anthrax for an example

New warnings were issued about poor government standards were issued when a rare Venezuelan virus went missing from a University of Texas Medical Branch bio-lab located in Galveston Island, Texas. The lab was designed under strict security measures to hold deadly viruses such as this in the US according to an ABC news report. Furthermore, this lab was built despite the fact the gulf areas like Texas are prone to tropical storm and hurricane strikes

But of course the government does not give a rat's ass about that fact when they have built these bio-labs. For example the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) announced last year they were going to build a high risk bio-weapons research facility on the campus of Kansas State University in Manhattan despite it being near an earthquake fault line

This is really disturbing and completely irresponsible. This stuff is not coming from "terrorists" with manuals no it is coming from governments and the military industrial complex who have a complete callous disregard for human life when they create these dangerous viruses capable of killing innocent people

All part of the globalist agenda to eliminate 90% of us from the earth and releasing a weaponized flu virus or whatever else they got cooked up would do the job if these scum bags succeed in ushering in their world government

Having failed to reduce the 2nd amendment to an endangered species, the gun grabbing scum are at it again this time using terror watch lists to make sure law-abiding Americans cannot get firearms.

Following the failure of the Manchin-Toomey in the senate and the bombings of Boston(which were a total false flag) Anti-gun activist and NY rep. Carolyn Maloney was on MSNBC this week claiming the Boston Bombings could have been prevented despite the fact bombs were used

"As it stands right now, Tamerlan, as we know now,was on the terror watch list, so we know a gun check would stop him, if there was a background check. she said, Maloney also went on to say that "terrorists" use gun shows to buy firearms. ( Side Note: The FBI knew both the russian suspects prior to the Boston Bombings last month and despite not finding any evidence that they were terrorists at all and then the information that Tamerlan attended CIA workshops only shows that him and his brothers were set up by both the FBI and CIA. WE know the CIA has a history of funding terrorists groups like Al-Qaeda and the Taliban and the FBI's history of staging terror attacks which you can look up so really the brothers were mere patsies but do not expect the corporate media to tell you this)

The democrat failed to note the the alleged bombers of Boston, did not have gun permits as been reported in the media and probably got their guns illegally (a 9mm)  though we are told Dzhokar Tsarnaev was heavily armed, he did not have one when he was arrested following the Boston-Watertown, Mass. lockdown

So it is clear to me the establishment is taking full advantage of Tamerlan Tsarnaev's presence on terror watch lists as an excuse to demonize law-abiding gun owners and frankly I think it is quite disgusting and appalling and is completely disrespects the victims and their families of the Boston Bombings by pulling bullshit like this.