Saturday, May 18, 2013

IRS targeted Billy Graham Ministry and other christian groups

The New American(where the article originates from) is reporting that as soon as the White House announced on May 15th that acting IRS commissioner Steven Miller would resign in revelations that the tax agency was targeting conservative groups and now news has come out that they not only targeted conservative groups but the tax exempt status of prominent Christian organizations had also been targeted by the IRS.

FOX news reported that while President Obama announced Miller's resignation, what he left out was the fact that an official close to Miller said that the IRS head was "set to resign the position of acting commissioner as of early June" and the official also told FOX that Miller was already planning to leave "couple months later, regardless of the current controversy" and FOX reported the "convenient" way in which Miller was going to be ousted was not even mentioned by the President when he announced Miller's resigning and Obama spoke with Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew and other department officials in which they had received the critical inspector general's report showing how bad management allowed IRS agents to illegally target Tea Party groups and others for 18 months beginning in 2010

Despite Obama making a statement that "Americans have a right to be angry about it, and I'm angry about it" and claiming his administration would put in "safeguards" to make sure this kind of thing never happens again and reassuring the American people, more revelations were coming out about the extent of targeting the IRS did towards organizations that could be painted as being opposed to the Obama administration. Among these organizations  the IRS audited was the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) and the 180 year old Baptist newspaper the Biblical Recorder which is published by the North Carolina. The IRS also targeted the humanitarian relief group Samaritan's Purse... Both are run by Franklin Graham, who is the son of the very famous evangelical preacher Billy Graham who used to have specials on TV and even had segments on the radio which I can remember quite well

In the run up to last year's presidential elections, the BGEA had taken out ads in the NY Times, Wall St. Journal and other papers trying to urger Christians to vote with biblical values in mind and shortly after these ads ran, both the BGEA and the Samaritan's Purse were notified that they were being audited by the IRS.

Franklin Graham on May 14th sent a letter to Obama concering the targeting of the organizations he overseas telling the president that he believed someone in his administration was trying to target and intimidate his group and called it "morally wrong and unethical" and he didn't believe the IRS auditing them was a coincidence either. One of the spokes people for the BGEA Mark DeMoss told FOX that it was the first time in the 62 year history of the ministry that they had been audited and said "These certainly appear to be politically motivated since the ministry had run some newspaper ads- not mentioning any candidates- simply urging people to vote for candidates with biblical values"

The Baptist Biblical Recorder seems to have been targeted because of the interview it ran with Chick-Fil-A's president Dan Cathy who at the time supported traditional family and marriage and said his organization was "guilty as charged" in supporting the biblical view of marriage and family in the sense that marriage should only be between a man and a woman and we all know this created a huge firestorm amongst the LGBT community who saw this as threat to their efforts in getting marriage equality. Now while I completely disagreed with Cathy at the time and still do, I do support free speech and felt like the comments he made were blown way out of proportion especially by the corporate media and their minions who are very good at doing stuff like that as we all aware

Now after the interview the paper's editor Allan Blume began getting phone calls from the IRS and he told FOX that the calls definitely "raised some red flags and made me wonder why we were being targeted for an audit when we have been around since 1833 and have never been audited before. Putting it all together made me wonder"

Blume said the timing of the investigation right after the Cathy interview as well as the paper running ads from the BGEA appeared to be more than just some bizarre coincidence. He told FOX "There seems to be a very anti-Christian bias that has glowed into a lot of government agencies... oppression literally against Christian organizations and groups. It makes you wonder what's going on"

Again regardless of your own religious views if you have them or not, this is an example of out of control government going after people who dare question them and their policies by wasting taxpayer money and the money people have donated to these organizations and to me only illustrates just how corrupt the United States has become...