Tuesday, May 21, 2013

NBC: Obama scandals take backseat because of Tornado, Most Americans believe Obama is covering up IRS scandal


(first of all my heart goes out to all the victims of this weekends tornadoes in the United States but this story underscores how the government and mainstream media can use such tragedies as an excuse to shift away from the various corruption and scandals going on with the Obama administration)

Political hacks are using yesterday's deadly tornado in Oklahoma City to shift attention from the scandals rocking the Obama administration with NBC news declaring they have to "take pause"

Numerous officials are pointing that the massive tornado, which at the time were claiming 51 victims but now it is at 24 according to an article I read on the weather network that was talking about the tornado and were even saying it was worse than the OKC bombing in 1995 which killed 168 people. This tragedy has given globalist establishment puppet Obama the perfect opportunity to re-connect with the American people with useless authoritarian speeches about aid and disaster recovery

in a post that was titled "Putting things into perspective" NBC's Chuck Todd, Mark Murray, Domenico Montanaro and Brooke Brower argued that the tornado "puts so much of Washington's focus over the past two weeks- on the IRS, Benghazi , and the leak investigations-into perspective" and that these things have to "take a pause"

And in another horrific attempt to use the tornado for political grist, Rhode Island Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse took to the Senate floor and blamed "polluters and deniers" of the man made global warming fraud adding that those of us who dare question their insane claims were responsible for natural disasters. Such nonsense goes back to the whole man made global cooling hysterical propaganda when the same establishment was obsessed with it and the claim that increased tornadoes were as a result of such weather patterns

But in reality, a San Francisco report today "Tornadoes arise from very local conditions, and so they're not as influenced by climate change" despite the likes of Whitehouse using bad weather events as an excuse to push carbon taxes down the throats of taxpayers and new studies show that tornado frequency is actually at a 60 year low and Oklahoma sits in the middle of "tornado alley" which is one of the hot spots on earth for tornadic activity in the United States which stretch from South Dakota through to Central Texas which is fed by "warm, wet air blowing in from the Gulf of Mexico meeting cold dry air from massive Rocky Mountain range" and also wind shearing at the surface and upper levels of the atmosphere(which is winds coming out of two different directions for example if you have a southerly flow at the surface but have at the upper levels of the atmosphere winds coming out of the west this creates the spin effect that supercell thunderstorms need to create tornadoes because of the energy created by all of these forces) so to blame the fraud that is man made climate change on the tornadoes in Oklahoma shows a lack of understanding of how the weather really works and complete lack of knowledge and "climate change" was back in the news this week when the BBC admitted that "since 1998, there has been an unexplained "standstill" in the heating of the Earth's atmosphere"

Another consequence of this tornado is the mainstream media now gets to revel in torturing the American people psychologically and glorifying big government and emergency decree as the only way to seek refuge in times of strife.

Never mind the numerous warnings many folks in Oklahoma just sat there and watched this whole thing unfold as the tornado was approaching and naively trusting that federal relief efforts would act as their savior when it has been well documented especially with Hurricane Katrina in 2005 that government will not help you in a crisis and Mike Adams documented in an article posted earlier today that of Americans only invested in storm shelters even the most basic their chances of staying safe would have increased dramatically

So you can only rely on yourself by becoming self-sufficient and developing your own strategies for survival in the event of bad weather events such as tornadoes and by buying yourself some storable food from Go Foods Global and such events which will always be used whether frequent or not by politicians and special interests exploiting them for their own agendas


A majority of Americans have clearly shown that they believe the IRS targeted Tea Party groups intentionally. In an interesting poll from the Washington Post/ABC News released today showed that 56% said they believe increased IRS scrutiny on conservative groups was deliberate while only 31% said it was an "administrative mistake" also 74% described the tactics as inappropriate with only 51% saying they feel the actions were blatantly criminal and only 20% said that the IRS acted appropriately with 44% saying the agency acted within the law and More Americans also believe that the Obama administration is trying to cover this up with 45% of the people saying they don't think the White House has disclosed all the facts compared to 42% trusting the government regarding this matter. The White House also claimed that they were aware of a Treasury inspector general report into the improper targeting by the IRS but they refrained from notifying the President.

This idea that Obama's top lawyer's knew about the scandal up to a full month ago and decided not to tell him is being met with skepticism from lawmakers, reporters and every day Americans. The first lawsuit was filed today concerning IRS targeting, with a Tea Party group out of California suing in a U.S. District Court in Cincinnati, Ohio. The NorCal Tea Party Patriots claim that the IRS "applied intensive and intrusive scrutiny" violating their rights after the group tried to get tax exempt status.

The Lawsuit says the following: "NorCal and its members suffered years of delay and expense while awaiting the exemption and spending valuable time and money answering the IRS' questions. The result was a muffling and muzzling of free expression"

In Congressional Hearings today, the former IRS chariman Doug Shulman claimed he was unaware of the full extent of the tax agency's targeting of conservative groups after he left the position. Shulman also claimed that he had zero knowledge of the reasons behind the implementation of the policy. He also stated that the IRS staff should have alerted their superiors to the practice of targeting conservative groups and singling out those who had "Tea Party" and "patriot" in their names. Shulman also upheld the idea put forth last week in the inspector general's report which placed blame on ineffective management for the delays in tax exemption claims as well as additional questioning

"While the inspector general's report did not indicate that there was any political motivation involved, the actions outlined in the report have justifiably led to questions about the fairness of the approach taken here"-Shulman, who left the agency in November 2012, told the committee.

Both Shulman and his successor Steve Miller admitted to knowing about IRS targeting for about a year but did not tell or alert Congress. Shulman even claimed that in March 2012 when he was questioned by lawmakers, that the IRS was not "targeting Tea Party Groups" which is total complete BS given the fact they admitted to it so in reality it is just them trying to lie to the American people once again in order to save their arses. During todays hearing however the ranking GOP Senator on the Finance Committee described the inaction of both men as a "lie of omission"

"The American people deserve to know the truth about what went on here-Hatch said, "And they deserve to know why the truth was kept from them for so long"

Could not have said it any better than that.. It is truly criminal and disgusting at the level of deception being paraded here by the IRS and the government itself but it is not surprising given the fact they have been highjacked by the banksters and mega-corporations who want to bring in their tyranny world wide..