Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Rural Ontario being sold off to China by our own government??


It is becoming clear our mayors here in Ontario are selling our land and resources out. It appears the endgame for all of this appears to be on track for our rural communities in this province with their horrific Agenda 21 Sustainable Development sneak attack on municipalities all over Ontario by de-valuing property, make them unsuitable for living with the scam known as Green Energy, raise the cost of living and when that is complete, sign on to a foreign government so they can bid on it like yesterday's steak. There are documents called the "Immigrant Placement" within Southwestern Ontario and clearly follows these policies and there is an excerpt in the article showing just how much the government thinks of you regular joe Canadian: "Cleary, a chinese immigrant possesses an advantage here over the typical Canadian" Is there any reason why 7 mayors of Ontario's rural towns have been "invited" to go on this so called investment tour of China for 10 days when the private sector corporations have gone this way over the last several years at the expense of their own market. This all started back in October at the Canada Business China Business Council in Markham, Ontario where 13 Ontario mayors attended what is being described as a sales pitch by Chinese reps to lure them to China to negotiate over LAND available... wait for it... CANADA!!!!!!!!!!

These people are supposed to represent us not the interests of foreign governments, the mega-corporations/private/foreign/domestic banks that have highjacked Canada, the United States and Europe(where they openly have bragged they conquered)

Agenda 21 is not liked in municipal offices these days as more people are becoming aware of the green tyranny associated with this going on behind closed doors and that the goal is to de-populate rural Ontario(and other areas of this country and the world who have signed on to United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development) and councillors seem to be agitated when asked the tough questions regarding this. So if any of you want to, call your local municipal office and ask them if they are following UN Agenda 21 local government initiatives and of course you will be met with denial and when pushed "aggressively" hang up but if you cross this ask the Council if they have the book FCM's Green Municipal Fund" and again the excerpts are highlighted showing that they are following this and even has the words "Local Agenda 21 plans" in the bloody document!!!

This whole thing has nothing to do with the environment at all. BY using the fraud of man made climate change as the "crisis du jour" this aims at controlling every aspect of our lives and totally pisses on our rights guaranteed by our creator and the people who founded this country to ensure we are a free and democratic nation. There are numerous articles showing from one think tank especially from the Centre for International Governance Innovation and other articles talking about the Mayor/Chinese situation

It is a very disturbing article and should be a wake up call to keep fighting this globalist takeover through Agenda 21

if you want more information on Agenda 21 visit Democrats against UN Agenda 21 which I will link here:
