Thursday, May 30, 2013

Is the Obesity epidemic a huge giant scam???

We have all seen the headlines that North Americans are becoming obese at alarming rates and may have health risks associated with it like heart disease for example. But what if I told you that this whole obesity crisis is nothing more than a giant scam being used by the $58 billion dollar a year industry, animal rights activists who want to lecture to you that eating meat is bad and the whole 9 yards.

We have also seen lawsuits being filed against restaurants and food manufacturers of every description over the years claiming the food made their clients fat and the lies they use are ignored by government and the corrupt mainstream press which asserts that obesity causes 300,000 deaths a year in America, that 61 percent of n medical costs  are overweight or obese and this costing $117 billion dollars and the article shows just how they pulled this health con job over us and shows how it is not as bad as they are telling us

The article goes on to expose how they exaggerated the stats to create fear-mongering and that the BMI index is seriously flawed as well for example if you are an athlete 6 foot 2 and you are let's say 200lbs but its all muscle but yet you are still considered "obese"

But if you do need to lose weight, I highly suggest you not fall for the fad diets and other stuff they are pushing and just stick with old diet and healthy eating and as some other studies have shown that being slightly or moderately chubby but are active you may live longer than say ideal weight people or severely obese people.  We also to remember as well(and I said this in  Autism 24 blog earlier) that just because people gain a few pounds for whatever reason does not give us the right to be bias, pass judgement or discriminate against them, they are after all human beings not exaggerated stats we can use to control what people can or cannot eat on a daily basis.