Northland Power begins destroying such a beautiful place in Manitoulin Island no thanks to Mcguinty and Eco-fascist and globalist operative David Suzuki.. The green energy act has to be one of the greatest scams ever foisted on Ontario for sure under the guise of saving the planet, we are paying the highest electricity rates in the damn country and has destroyed Ontario's economy
and of course who have Bentley who shoots his mouth of again how Ontario is the world's green leader when in reality it has ruined our province: in his speech on Tuesday while he ignores that over $30,000,000,000.00 the provincial government has spent on this Green energy act which has done nothing but line their pockets and put us the Citizens of ONTARIO into ENERGY POVERTY and has forced people to leave their homes, seek medical help and learn how to exist in this dictatorship not only in Ontario and Canada but across the world where our rights have been pissed on regarding all of this
THIS IS AGENDA 21 FOLKS!!!!!!!! this is what it looks like This article is a collection of reactions today regarding the UN IPCC AR5 leak, which was posted on (which was taken down) and reported on Watts Up with That.
My question is: Why the hell did the IPCC not want this leaked?? one reason : so the IPCC could control the content and the PR so that the public won't see how the arrived at their conclusions and if critics can't find errors or flaws until weeks after the huge media blitz
to quote Joanne Nova: "The black box that justifies it is shown off in all its mysterious glory: 4,000 experts labored for 5 years, produced 2,000 papers, 2 million emails.... rigorously dissected the science to give you this ominous frightening message. Pay us your tithe! We will stop the storms! the inner workings of the black box are held in the Sacred Vault. Those who question it are "deniers,nutters, conspiracy theorists, believe the moon landing was faked, are simultaneously being paid by Exxon and suffer from ideological mental defects" when the IPCC has billions in funding from YOUR TAX DOLLARS, the support of the private foreign banks that have highjacked the US, Canada and Europe and the thought police in the mainstream media