While the globalist bureaucrats at the UN have downplayed a "doomsday" internet kill switch, they admit that member states have the right to in article 34 of the Constitution of the International Communications Union to "block any private telecommunications that appear "dangerous to the security of the State or contrary to its laws, to public order or to decency"according to Hamadoun Toure, who is the ITU Secretary General. As for the agenda at large, us the public have no idea because the meetings in Dubai are secret.
Infowars had a report on Feburary 22nd that the ITU was working to globalize the radio spectrum with wireless technologies, aeronautical and maritime navigation, satellite based meteorology along with the internet so basically this would replace the free and open internet as we know it
because we all know the globalist want to control the internet and are using the ITU treaty at the behest of the UN and would allow transnational corporations to charge "fees for international internet traffic" and maybe have a "per click" basis for certain websites...
This is censorship and control clearly and thank god people around the world are waking up to this attack on freedom but the fight is just getting started...