Saturday, December 15, 2012

Newton School shooting story already changing, School Shooter Adam Lanza likely one meds, described as having a "personality" disorder

AS we know the media has been all over the tragic school shootings that took place yesterday morning in Newton, CT, where 27 people were killed including 18 children. As always any honest journalist would ask: would this fit the pattern of other staged shootings??

One of the major red flags of a staged shooting is a second gunman, indicating this was planned and often mind control has been involved whether it was James Holmes, the batman shooter, who was studying mind control for the US government and even mind control by chemicals was linked to Jared Lee Loughner, the shooter of Congresswoman Giffords in Arizona back in 2011.

There were numerous eyewitness reports from Aurora, Colorado and one caught on camera by the mainstream media saying that Holmes didn't operate alone there was another shooter but of course the media eliminated any mention of a second shooter and stuck to the typical cover of a lone gunman

Same thing is happening now with the Newton, CT shootings as eyewitness reports of another shooter are being "scrubbed" even though FOX, CBS affiliate in CT, ABC news were all reporting that there was another shooter. a Witness told WFSB-TV that there was another man taken out of the woods in handcuffs wearing a blue jacket and camouflage pants and telling parents that he didn't do it now the media is eliminating this in favor of the lone gunman theory which holds just has water as the lone gunman theory that was presented after JFK was assassinated but I never bought that Oswald did it based on the fact that if the shot did come from the Book Depository building Kennedy's head should have gone forward but instead his head went back and left which tells me the shot came from the ground so forensically Oswald could not have delivered the death shot and I think he was set up by the government and even said "I'm a patsy" but side issue.

Journalists are trained to ask questions and one question is why was the second gunman dropped from the media coverage after the first few hours of coverage and why is there always a second gunman in these mass shootings that seem to be manufactured on order to maintain the emotional shock value due to the horror of all the innocent people that died??

Like I said yesterday my heart goes out to the families and victims impacted by this tragedy and given the awful loss of life it would only make sense to get to WHY these shootings fit a mind control shooter pattern. So for the victims, why not find out what REALLY happened so we can stop things like this in the future.. In mass shootings involving guns and mind altering drugs, politicians are so damn quick to blame guns but not these dangerous psychotropic drugs. Nearly all the mass shootings in the US over the past 2 decades were linked to psychiatric medication and even the shootings in Connecticut are fitting the same pattern. ABC news was reporting that Adam Lanza, the alleged shooter, was labelled as having some sort of "mental illness" and having a personality disorder. These words are heard in someone who is being 'treated" with mind altering psychiatric medication and one of the most common side effects of these drugs are violent outbursts and thoughts of suicide. The Columbine shooters were on these drugs as well when they shot their classmates in 1999. Suicidal thoughts and tendencies and violent thoughts are admitted behavioral side effects of such medication.

We all know that guns cannot physically kill people. It has to be triggered by the person who makes the choice to use it. And while people like globalist shill New York City mayor Bloomberg are trying to exploit these deaths of these innocent children(which is disgusting) to call for guns to be taken away by law abiding citizens who did nothing but no one calls for medication to be controlled and the article makes a great case of how these psychiatric drugs involved in these shootings that cause this type of violent behavior should be outlawed and 100,000  Americans are killed by medications each year by medications according to statistics and an officer told Mike Adams(the writer of both articles) on record that the majority of automobile accidents in the city of Tucson, Arizona where related to drivers on medication and would indicate that medication is far deadlier than guns