Despite calling for the all outright ban for all firearms, Dianne Feinstein, who is set to introduce legislation that would gut the second amendment completely said in 1995 that she had carried a concealed weapon to protect herself against "terrorists" When she spoke at the US senate hearing on "terrorism" a week after the Oklahoma City Bombing and talked about how she responded to an attempt by the New World Liberation Army terrorist group to bomb her house saying that she could understand the helplessness that people feel and knew the urge to arm oneself and when her husband was ill she even carried the gun to the hospital...
The hypocrisy of this women is appalling of choosing to arm herself while telling law-abiding Americans that they can't arm themselves
Michael Moore went public about exploiting the Newtown shootings to call for draconian gun control legislation though his own damn bodyguard was arrested in 2005 for carrying an unlicensed weapon at New York's JFK airport
Obama's kids go to a private school with 11 armed guards but seized anyway on the tragic shootings to disarm the American people
Other gun control freaks like globalist operative and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has pushed for this but yet has bodyguards who are armed at all times
and Then you have Hollywood celebrities demanding Americans get behind gun control but yet most of the actors featured in that ad have used guns themselves in movie roles
Also there has been complete ignorance of recent shootings that were brought to an end thanks to a law abiding gun owner including prior to the Connecticut shootings in which a gunman entered a theater in San Antonio, Texas after killing his ex-girlfriend but was later shot by an off duty policewoman
also the mall shooting in Oregon was brought to an end when a 22 year old man who had a concealed weapon permit pulled his gun on the shooter causing the masked armed man Jacob Tyler Roberts to kill himself...
Even the National Safety Council says that guns are used in 2.5 million times a year in self-defense against criminals meaning that firearms used to protect ones life are used 80 times more than they are used to end lives... Researchers at the King's College of Psychiatry and the University of Bristol released a study that finds domestic violence is more common in adults with a mental disorder-regardless of the diagnosis. This study was done for the last 5 years and funded by the National Institute of Health Research which links mental health issues and domestic violence with a direct focus on depression..
They hope that this study will draw attention to the mental health needs of people who survive these situations and remind general practitioners and other mental health teams that the experience of living through domestic violence may present behind a mental health issue
Researchers found that Women with a history of depressive disorders were more likely to be victims
Also women with Anxiety issues gave them a propensity to domestic violence
Post Traumatic Stress enhances one of becoming involved in domestic violence
Other disorders linked to this were: Eating Disorders, Obsessive Complusive Disorder,
Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Common mental health issues
of Course Mental Illness has been attached to Asperger's(which is a form of autism and I happen to be diagnosed with it) thanks to propaganda in the mainstream media, though we are not likely to be violent though we are described as feeling alone in the world only gripe is the reference to it being a disease which is not true (see however I am glad that the article at least exposed the mental illness lie to autism..
It is a very good and interesting read overall
Happy New Year everyone