Matt Drudge lambasted Obama over his "hysterical" rhetoric regarding the alleged WMD threat posed by Syria in tweet that harked back to Colin Powell's infamous appearance at the UN which relied on fake evidence to justify war in Iraq in the following quote: "Obama playing up "WMD" threat in Syria is bold and hysterical. Who will go to the UN to show "evidence" this time? Maybe on of the Rices...
based on the aftermath of the Obama administration claiming Syria has weapons of mass destruction despite the fact there is no evidence they have any and his UN reference was based from the testimony Colin Powell gave in February of 2003 before the UN security council claiming Iraq had weapons of mass destruction but later turned out it was another lie and excuse to bomb Iraq for its oil and this time they are claiming that the Syrian government is going to use chemical weapons on its people is based entirely on bullshit and despite Assad saying that Syria is not using chemical weapons to target rebel fighters...
What is clear to me is this is the same story but a different country this time, The US military industrial complex is looking for an excuse by resorting to the same propaganda like before to justify military intervention in Syria, which like Iraq, was planned well in advance and hence why I believe 9/11 was an inside job and why we need a new investigation....