Law abiding Americans across the United States are turning in their guns as part of this police buyback program in response to the tragic Connecticut shootings last weekend- a shocking illustration of how people are choosing to disarm themselves without gun control legislation. Citizens in Brooklyn, San Francisco, Oakland, Evanston, Illinois and Balitmore all lined up and gave their guns to the police as a gesture for the shootings at Sand Hook on friday. Alone the Baltimore police raked in a whopping 461 firearms, San Francisco and Oakland netted over 600 firearms in Evanston, 45 firearms were returned
What I find baffling, is how willing law abiding people are to give up their firearms is the fact they are ensuring they will be completely defenseless in their homes before Christmas when criminals and robbers are more likely to target people
Collectivists have been using the tragic shootings as an excuse to demonize their political adversaries. The finger of blame has gone all over the place ever since Friday's shooting at Sandy Hook but ever firmly pointing them at law abiding gun owners but a new scapegoat has emerged- preppers.
According to a report out of the London Independent, the mother of Adam Lanza, who killed 20 kids and six adults, was a "survivalist" preparing for the economic and social collapse. Lanza had used on of her firearms to carry out the shooting. His mum had to go through numerous background checks and waiting periods before she could even purchase a damn gun. It is now being implied that because she was "self-reliant" and was readying herself for the staged economic collapse and was proficient with firearms that is rubbed off her kid, who was according to reports on mind altering drugs, was a driving force behind the massacre. SO anyone who stockpiles food, owns firearms and is knowledgeable about the real problems that are going on with the staged economic collapse is now a mass murderer??? the stabbing of 23 kids in China is being fed into this with reports the killer Min Yongjun was "psychologically affected" by doomsday predictions...
How much do you want to bet the establishment is going to parrot the idea that preppers are suffering from a "psychological disorder" and need to be prevented from owning a firearm??
Preppers are a target for the establishment because they are complete opposites of the collectivists. With more Americans becoming self-reliant, a system that relies on dependent people is naturally inclined to demonize preppers. Will 2013 be remembered by future historians as the year the US to intents and purposes died as a Republic and was finally seized by authoritarian globalist sociopaths and who have already conquered Europe. The globalist have conquered every major government in the west and have implemented their sick disgusting draconian policies in a uniform fashion. The Freedoms that we here in North America have enjoyed are not compatible with the despotic system the globalist pieces of trash has in store for our friends in the US.
Europe has been conquered and now it is the US's turn. The recent announcement that Mark Carney, who I am ashamed to say is from Canada, being appointed the governor of the Bank Of England means the 2012 Bilderberg Attendee completes Goldman Sachs takeover of all the major economies in Europe!! The economies of England, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Greece and Belgium have been highjacked by individuals who have a relationship with Goldman Sachs, who are notorious for their corruption and insider trading. During a CNBC segment, the financial analysts had finally admitted that America was now under the control of central bankers who are building a world dicatorship- a damning insight to how the establishment has dispensed with any pretense of trying to their insane agenda. We all know the idea of a world government is being pushed as the so called solution to all our problems more specifically relating to the financial crisis that they STAGED!!! also the 2nd amendment being under attack in the aftermath of shootings in Colorado and more recently in Connecticut where the sociopathic tyrants appetite for pissing on the 2nd amendment has never been more clear. Record gun sales after globalist puppet Obama was elected, indicated that he was going to fulfill a campaign promise in the aftermath of the shootings that he was going to pursue new gun control regulations through Congress. Not only is this being done at the domestic level but also internationally through the United Nations with the Arms Trade Treaty that is nothing more than a gun grab to disarm law abiding citizens.
and the list goes on.. it is a very interesting yet important article...