Monday, August 6, 2012

Sikh shooting news including was this tragic event staged?? and more

(First of all my heart goes out to the victims and their families, very terrible indeed)

Sikh Temple Shooter part of Army Psychological operations:  He was part of the US army psych operations according to yahoo news, he was employed there from April of 1992 up until October of 1998 and even received honours for good conduct .. interestingly this almost reads the same as Batman Shooter James Holmes being involved with Dr. Lynn Fenton who worked for the Air Force as a psychiatrist

Sikh Shooter also related to FBI's National alliance: (kind of related to the other one) but the difference the shooter Michael Page is being called a "white supremacist" by the Southern Poverty Law Centre  and the National Alliance(which is a neo nazi group) is all FBI controlled almost feels parallel to the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing because the Southern Poverty Law centre back in 2005 was revealed thanks to court documents ran an "informant" campaign in Elohim City prior to the Federal building being blown to bits(I highly recommend you watch a Noble Lie which again is available on Amazon) where the monitored "subjects for the FBI believed to be linked to executed bomber Timothy McVeigh, the white supremacist compound at Elohim City and the mysterious German National Andreas Carl Strassmeir" Strassmeir actually was part of German Intelligence and was head of the Aryan Republican Army based in Elohim City..

And the Article points out how the FBI has run such racist and white supremacist groups since the 1960s under COINTELPRO

James Hansen at it again: This mouthpiece is now blaming the hoax of man made climate change for the deaths of fish in the US midwest and now thanks to this lunatic we will see stories blaming man made climate change for dead fish and all the rest of it. This was never about science at all, it is about controlling every aspect of our lives with fear mongering in which we have to give up our standards of living  under the hoax that CO2, which is a life giving non harmless gas, is a toxin and hold back third world development over this crackpot nonsense... James Hansen you and the rest of your criminal mafia are an embarrassment to science and you all deserve to be in jail for your crimes