"a foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of the truth"-Albert Einstein
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Agenda 21 Cutting Off Electricity To US Cities!
Report from Austin, Texas courtesy of infowars.com's Alex Jones, I guess the city council is eyeing to shutdown more of their coal plants and they have already shut them down and Austin Texas has has had increases in energy prices which are over 100 percent and yet they want to cut more at 33% all in the name of the saving the earth from a life giving gas carbon dioxide.. They did the same here in Northwestern Ontario where I live and of course they openly bragged about it in the media!!! and now in Ontario has a whole we pay the highest rate in the damn country at 46%!!! so I feel their pain.. this is tyranny at its finest and it will continue if we do not stop these criminal marxist tyrants from controlling every aspect of our lives under the hoax of man made climate change.. but here is the hypocrisy as well: Power plants are given waivers to stay open by their buddies and shut down any competition...