Monday, August 13, 2012

new paper finds increased CO2 and global warming will increase grain production, Mega Banks staging collapse so they can continue to thrive and also usher in martial law There was a study published by the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology that finds that the fertilization effects of grain yields thanks to increases in CO2 proven once again that Warming equals more carbon dioxide and is beneficial for life because when temperatures rise and fall CO2 follows those changes and as I have mentioned many times, these facts mean nothing to the eco-fascists who want to run our lives by telling us that a life giving natural gas CO2 is a toxic poison... It appears that the biggest banks in the US have been told by US regulators that they have to "make plans to stave off a complete financial collapse without relying on the US government" of course the article points out how the Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and other tecnocrats have crafted worst case scenarios so they can continue to thrive through any sort of financial implosion that we all know they created themselves to shut down society and usher in a world government. Also the Federal Reserve and the US office of the Comptroller of the Currency(OCC) named "Citigroup Inc., Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan Chase & Co. as well as others to devise "recovery plans" in 2010. Banks were directed to have schemes to remain afloat by selling off assets, finding alternative sources of funding, reducing risky measures that make a quick buck" and also the article mentions how the technocrats on Wall St. are buying firearms, ammunition and control over "private mercenary corporations like Dyncorp, Blackwater(now Academi) as authorized by the Department of Defense directive 3025.18"

Dyncorp, in case you are unaware, is a private military contractor that provides such things as intelligence, training and etc... and most of their funding comes from the US government and the internation branch of this according to the report has operated like a "police force" even assisting local cops during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and here is the best part: "Named investors for the amassing of gun and ammunition manufacturers are Citibank, Bank of America, Barclays and Deutsche Bank who are pouring money into Cerebus and Vertias Equity, who have taking over private corporations involved in controlling riot situations"...

so really to sum up, they are staging the financial collapse to usher in a police state and martial law and of course they will never get caught for their criminal activity because "they are above the law"