Dr. John Christy, he is a climatologist from the University of Alabama- Huntsville campus, did a guest post on former NASA climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer's blog about the recent PNAS paper by none other than James Hansen and he was given this by a reporter who wanted him to comment on it but because he was working on his testimony for the US Senate a couple weeks ago he couldn't do it. However the paper in question, claimed that the "proportion of the Northern Hemisphere land area(with weather stations) that exceeded extreme summer hot temperatures was now 10 percent or more for the 2006-2011 period" he goes on to say that: "for extremes at that level(three standard deviations or 3-sigma) this was remarkable evidence for "human made global warming". Statistically speaking, the area covered by that extreme in any given hotter than average year should be in the lowest single digits... that is, if Hansen et al assumptions are true- ie., (a) if T means accurately represents only the effect of extra greenhouse gases, (b) if the climate acts like a bell-shaped curve, (c) if the bell-shaped curve determined by a single 30 year period(1951-1980) represents all of natural climate variability, and (d) if the GISS(Goddard Institute of Space Studies) interpolated and extrapolated dataset preserves accurate anomaly values"
However the so called conclusion these authors came up with was that the area of extremes could only be caused by the so called "enhanced greenhouse effect" but They also admitted they were doing this for advocacy purposes and not science at all(no surprise there) as they were motivated to continue to con the public to "appreciate the significance of human-made global warming"
He also recalls the infamous statement by Neo-Con warmonger former president George W. Bush saying we were addicted to oil when it is because of carbon based energy that "we can satisfy our true addictions- long life, good health, prosperity, technological progress, adequate food supplies, internet services, freedom of movement, protection from environmental threats and so on" and Dr. Christy mentions he lived in Africa so he understands what having no energy is all about- shorter life spans, dying of preventable diseases and most of all brutal living conditions..
It is a very interesting article and also every eye opening to see the lengths these ecological fascists like Hansen are willing to go to continue to greenwash the public into believing this nonsense..
Congressman admits to blowing tax payer money to continue to sell man made global warming hoax: According the Sacramento bee Newswire, Congressmen Chaka Fattah(he is democrat from PA) is giving 5.8 million dollars of american tax payer money to the Franklin Institute for Education in Philadelphia on the Challenges of "Climate Change" as part of this 4 year program for "urban climate change education in the community"(cough brainwashing cough) and He brags about how the Franklin Institute is one of the "leading scientific and educational museums. It is exactly the right place for a far-reaching program to educate Philadelphians, including school children, about the growing challenges and impending crisis of climate change"
are you kidding me??? 5.8 millon dollars going to fund a fraud??? you damn right... This should make your stomach turn as it is doing mine to see how the eco-criminal mafia are continuing to get away with their crimes... appalling..