Sunday, August 19, 2012

Matt Ridley of wired magazine exposes ecological hoaxes, Department of Homeland security documents show that Big Sis is spying on, Former Marine Arrested by FBI for facebook posts questioning the official government fairytale of 9/11 Matt Ridley of Wired magazine exposes the numerous environmental catastrophe hoaxes that have plagued us whether it was eugenicist  Paul Ehrlich and the overpopulation hoax or the peak oil fraud of the 1970's with Jimmy Carter(globalist operative) with the famous statement in 1977: "We could use up all the proven reserves of oil in the entire world by the end of the next decade"of course all of this was a complete fraud. He breaks them down into what he calls the 4 horseman: Chemicals, Disease, people and resources

He starts with the DDT scam and Rachel Carson's Silent Spring in which she claimed that DDT was gonna kill all the birds and cause an increase in cancer in humans but even DDT has some risks when unsafely used, there was no scientific evidence to suggest it causes Cancer and thanks to it being banned, Malaria rates went through the roof in Africa and over  100 million Africans died of Malaria and over half of the victims were children and still to this day it is the number one killer of Africans next to AIDS(genocide?? you bet)  and then he talks about the Acid Rain scare of the 1980's where forests dying and lakes were dying and of course people claim this was all avoided thanks to legislative action which was complete lie: "There was no net loss of forest in the 1980s to reverse. In the US, a 10 year government sponsored study involving some 700 scientists and costing about 500 million dollars reported in 1990 that "there is no evidence of a general or unusual decline of forests in the United States and Canada due to acid rain" and "there is no case of forest decline in which acidic deposition is known to be a predominant cause" here is more "In Germany, Heinrich Spiecker, director of the Institute for Forest Growth, was comissioned by a finnish forestry organization to assess the health of European forests. He concluded that they were growing faster and healthier than ever and had been improving throughout the 1980s. "Since we began measuring the forest more than 100 years ago, there's never been a higher volume of wood... than there is now" Speicker said.(oddly enough one of the ingredients in "acid rain" is nitrogen oxide, which breaks down naturally to form what is nitrate, which is a fertilizer for trees) and the lakes?? it turns out the rising acidity was caused by reforestation than acid rain and the correlation between the 2 was not very high at all..

It is a very well researched article and worth the read... yes there were 100s of documents released thanks to the Freedom of Information Act that shows how the Department of Homeland security was monitoring political opposition to their propaganda snitch campaign "See Something, Say Something" and tracking news stories on and even user comments on a whole host of issues labelling them "Right Wing Terrorism"

Although there was a prior request from August of 2011 "regarding any political profiling documents that specify what groups are monitored under fusion centres all over the country, and which kinds of people profiled" this guy by the name of Brian Hill of finally obtained these documents after a year of back and forth communications with the agency itself and the search results included many sites including

The article and related video report go on to explain how had launched an opposition campaign to the "See Something, Say Something" nonsense which was telling people via tv screens in Wal-marts to be encouraged to report "suspicious activity" to the authorities (and these messages were delivered by Janet Napolitano who is the DHS chief)  and also goes on to explain their V for Victory campaign, which was used by the French to resist the Nazis occupation in WW2, while using the movie V for Vendetta and this incident where this guy named Clay Duke sprayed the letter V on a wall at a school board meeting in Panama City, Florida before he shot up the place were his motivations to carry out such a crime and etc... also The documents go on to explain that the TSA groping policies introduced in 2010 had a lot of criticism saying the US government is becoming a police state that is pissing on people's civil liberties.

Basically, this shows how out of control the Department of Homeland security has become and is really  turning into the KGB style secret police that seem to really care about spying on political free speech as it is about the so called terrorists they are supposed to be watching for (original piece from Business Insider) A former US Marine was arrested by the FBI because he accused the US government of carrying out and lying about the facts of 9/11.. According to Brandon Raub's mother, officials from the FBI, Secret Service and the Chesterfield County PD came to their door, questioned him about his facebook posts-which expose the official government fairytale of 9/11 as a fraud- was handcuffed and was sent to the John Randolph Psychiatric Hospital in Hopewell, Virginia...

So this guy and the rest of us like the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth, Pilots for 9/11 truth who  have legitimate doubts about  the official government fairytale and for wanting a new investigation into the murder of 3,000 innocent people and wanting the real bastards who conspired to carry out this false flag operation to pay for what the horrific crimes they committed that day and we are the CRAZY ONES???? come on... I thought we had free speech in both the US and Canada... guess not...