Thursday, June 21, 2012

Obama hiding involvement in operation fast and furious scandal,RIO summit failure PR stunt You recall last year when the US government was caught shipping guns into mexico to arm to drug cartels?? well they are holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for his role but it is clear that Obama and the rest of his cronies are trying to cover their ass in all of this so they don't have to face criminal retribution for their false flag attack(  also see ( )

RIO summit billing as "epic failure" PR stunt: you may recall such ecological fascist groups like greenpeace, world wild life fund calling it a "colossal failure" well turns out tha (from the UK guardian)t: "It is billed as the biggest UN event ever organized. This, 15,000 soliders and police are guarding 130 heads of state and government as well as ministers..." so I guess 50,000 people got a trip to rio after all so they can take away our rights, control what kind of light bulbs we can use not to mention the millions of people they are starving to death through the biofuels scam but that is okay