never mind that his own foundation thanks to Vivian Krause's wonderful expose on this lunatic that I posted recently has had money come in from the Rockefeller family and also he is one of the greatest ecological hypocrites ever just like another liar we all know Al Gore jr. ( and just like him he also help spread the man made global warming hoax and claimed that the "science was settled" which we all know is not true and that is not how real science is supposed to work but not him and the rest of the ecological fascist and the fact people are waking up to this fraud it seems still he wants any one who dares stand up this nonsense he wants thrown in jail when it is him and his cronies like Al Gore and the climategate scientists who are the ones who should be in JAIL FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is because of them the 3rd world is not allowed to develop life saving carbon energy, it is because of them they will strip any democratic rights and freedoms anywhere in the world especially here in the West
Also Suzuki back in 1972 called humans maggots, which shows that nature his is lord and he also a follower of the malthusian genocidal principle ( because as we all know they want to kill over 80-90% of us.. and of course in the video they all laugh as he demonstrates his disdain for life on this earth and it is truly disgusting..
Media Dismisses Troops on street as "conspiracy theory": This is going on in St. Louis Missouri and of course the brainwashed public thinks it is great and the excuse they are using is to "prevent crime" and of course James Madison had warned about this in his speech during the constitutional convention in 1878 when he said this "A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions of Liberty. The Means of defense against foreign danger have always been instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people". We all know this has nothing to do with Al-Qaeda(who are CIA backed) or even the so called ghost terrorists.. this is about controlling people and stripping them of their rights it is as the Madison quote points out an excuse to impose Tyranny... also see Media promotes troops on the streets to "cut down on crime"( ) and not to mention this is forbidden under the Posse Comitatus act section 1385 where military are not allowed to act as law enforcement essentially...