Friday, June 15, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Biotech leader Syngenta charged over mass cover up of animal deaths related to GMO Corn and James Lovelock slams the UN and radical greens They have been charged for denying that their GM Bt corn was not safe for animal consumption. The charges were issued when a German Farmer had dairy cattle die from this stuff. He had fed them this stuff from around 1997-2002 according to the article and then they started coming down with a "mysterious" illness and they had paid the German Farmer over 40,000 euros to silence him, the civil lawsuit was brought upon the company. This stuff has been banned in Poland because of these concerns.. truly disgusting.. This company deserves all the punishment for their sick crimes. Just goes to show how these Biotech companies like Monsanto are willing to coverup the facts that their biotech food is dangerous...

former "global warming"alarmist James Lovelock slams UN IPCC and Greens:  

It seems this former eco-fascist has finally come to the light in regards to the fraud that is man made climate change saying that "The green religion is now taking over from the Christian religion.. IPCC is too political & too internalized.. goes on to , justifiably so,  slam the greens for guilting people about their "carbon footprints" when we all know that CO2 is what plants need to grow and is not some evil toxic gas  and you know what I can't believe I am going to say this but I actually admire him for finally having some courage to reverse his original beliefs and having the guts to  rightfully slam the UN  and the radical greens for their criminal activity. The report goes on to say that  in his words they should not have rushed into renewable energy without giving it more thought. He says the opposition to nuclear energy is a "religious opposition" and even is supporting Natural gas he slams the greens for their propaganda regarding this other form of electrical generation in an interview with the London Guardian,who should be praised for actually putting together a really good report for once: