Thursday, June 7, 2012

Climate Change Alarmists leading the entire world to a global government, Rockefellar Foundation says 13,000 will die at London 2012 games, and Carnegie Institute calling for spraying of planet to save from "global warming"

Climate alarmists leading us to world genocidal government: despite the fact they have been caught in major frauds and Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth had 35 significant errors( they are still pushing for this tyranny which will lead to a global "carbon" tax to enslave the entire planet and hold back 3rd world development over one of the greatest scams I have ever researched and  that will cause a genocide on a mass scale( article is from 2009 but still relevant) of at least 90% of the world's population but they don't give a damn about that because that is their goal which is why we need to keep fighting this fraud so that this does not come to light but should it happen, I know I gave it my best shot but we can still defeat their new world order... Yes in their 2010 paper they had outlined various scenarios predicting a "pandemic" which would kill 8 million world wide and of course this will also lead to the above: world government. They go on to predict a bombing as well.. very interesting article..

Carnegie Institute calls for  spraying of our planet in order to save it from the fraud of man made global warming: This is another example of how the elites  have no regard for our health and environment by spraying actual toxic chemicals to prevent a hoax. According to the article, this has been going on at least since the 1990's and the health risks are anything from stomach and chest pain and even long term can lead to blood pressure issues because of the barium that is in these chemtrails.. Even Greenpeace who supports the fraud of man made global warming has even slammed this idea...

More ecological fascism: this article is an example of the malthusian genocidal reactionary nonsense that is still going on. They call for international co-operation for "population control" (ie genocide) but of course their outrageous claims of "population reaching 27 million" is a fraud because the UN's own data shows us that we will reach 9 billion but we will start losing a billion every 20 years and we will back at 7 billion towards the end of the century. I am so tired of their fear mongering tactics but again it has to be exposed.

Washington Post caught hyping UN fear mongering as RIO summit draws near: Clearly this was timed to scare the public as Nature published its propaganda studies saying that "world could be approaching tipping point at which human activities cause a "planetary-scale transition" to a different environment"

Again this is was never about the environment but more about their anti-human gaia worshipping death cult agenda to control us, to kill us and most of all makes us poor as they take away our standard of living and hold back the the 3rd world under the fraud of saving the earth from a life giving gas Carbon Dioxide... truly sick and demented lunatics for sure..