Friday, June 15, 2012

NATO and Gulf axis starting propaganda campaign in syria, UN considering 1300 dollar green tax on US (article originally appeared on Voltaire Net): As of today, it appears syrians wanting to watch regular tv will be bombarded with tv programs that were CIA created. They plan on using studio shots to blame the recent massacres on the Syrian government, people who are protesting and etc.. Of course this is all being managed by Ben Rhodes, who is the US deputy national security advisor for strategic communication. The goal is to demonize syrians in order for a coup and even though NATO was unhappy with Russia and China vetoing this, regardless of your interpretation of events that are currently going on in Syria, it ends the hopes of them having a democratic society. Also the article mentions a meeting between PSYOP officers, the satellite tv stations of Al-Arabyia, Al-Jazeera, BBC, CNN, Fox, France 24, Future tv and MTV that took place in Riyad, Saudi Arabia. Ever since 1998, the article continues, the officers of the US Army Psychological Operations Unit(PSYOP) have been interjected into CNN and of course this practice has been used by NATO to other "strategic media" too. Of course they have falsified information prior to this nonsense, using a "story-telling" script by Rhodes and his crackpot team at the White House here is a quote: "A procedure of reciprocal validation was installed,with each media quoting the lies of the other media to render them plausible for TV spectators" another part of the article mentions another meeting with engineers and technicians on how to "fabricate fictitious images, mixing one part in an outdoor studio, the other with computer generated images" but this is not the first time this is happened again because: "In 1994 a pop music station named "Free Radio of the thousand hills"(RTML) gave the signal for genocide in Rwanda with the cry, "Kill the cockroaches!" in 2001, NATO used the media to impose an interpretation of the 9/11 attacks and to justify its own aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq. At the time, It was Ben Rhodes who had been commissioned by the Bush Administration to concoct the Kean/Hamilton Commission report on the attacks" and it goes on to mention another examples. Another example of how media supports these wars but creates them and also this violates International Law, first of all article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights "relating to the fact of receiving and imparting information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers, Above all, the procedure violates the United Nations General Assembly resolution adopted after World War II, to prevent further wars. Resolutions 110,381,819 forbid "to set obstacles to free exchange of information and ideas". So really by spreading propaganda about war is Illegal, a crime against peace and also will lead to genocide but they don't give a damn because they think they are above the law and don't have to answer for their criminal activity. Interestingly enough Webster Tarpley was interviewed by Press TV about this very thing(the interview can be found at )

UN wants to impose 1,300 "green" tax on US: The Diplomats of the UN Rio Summit next week are considering various proposals that are going to impose taxes on American families and the energy industry to combat "global warming"according to the draft of the agenda of the conference. It goes on to say that "we recognize that subsidies for non-renewable energy should be eliminated and replaced with a GLOBAL TAX on production of energy from non-renewable energy resources"This draft was merely concocted by non-governmental organizations at the request of the United Nations. This draft actually was obtained by the Center for a Constructive Tomorrow(CFACT), a group who helped started the website Climate Depot.

But despite the fact they have been caught twice through Climategate of scientific fraud and the other fact that thousands of scientists have called "man made climate change" a pseudo-scientific piece of nonsense, they are still hell bent on controlling our lives and this is a fight not let them win