Bilderberg calling protesters "cockroaches": according to this, one of the hotel workers at the Westfield Marriot overheard members of bilderberg call protesters "cockroaches"and watched the live feeds and were rooting for Alex Jones according to one protestor who talked to someone on the inside and goes on to say how they break up into groups and meet in separate rooms. This shows me how sick they are and how arrogant they are and their callous disregard for ordinary people and our liberties is truly appalling but not surprising.
EPA using spy drones to spy on cattle ranchers in Nebraska and Iowa: Another example of the Nanny state that has taken over in the US and this came under fire last week when Nebraska's congressional delegations sent a joint letter to EPA administrator Lisa Jackson. In fact Mike Johanns, who is a Republican senator said the following: "They are just way on the outer limits of any authority they've been granted" and this does violate Article 1 section 8 of the US constitution because "congress is not allowed to legislate in the area of the environment and also violates the 10th Amendment because only this is allowed to be legislated by the state and their respective legislatures not the feds. Also violates the 4th Amendment which it is illegal search and seizure unless probable cause and they have a warrant but they don't give a damn about people's rights and freedoms.
Ecological Fascist James Hansen admits global warming not due to humans: It seems our ecological kook wrote a paper back in 2000 that was titled Global warming in the twenty first century: an alternative scenario which pointed out that any warming we have seen was not due to CO2 basically yet he is one of the leading folks screaming at us to reduce our "carbon footprint" and has advocated world wide blowing up of dams and also was instrumental in shutting down coal plants in the US. The article goes on to point out that he studied under Jams Van Allen who is an alumni of globalist shill fronts like John Hopkins and Princeton and he was also a member of the American Philosophical Society, which is another globalist operation think tank that prides itself on the fact it has influenced American Culture over the last 250 years.. Hansen as also attended Columbia University which produced another "climate change" alarmist in Jeffrey Sachs who promotes the use of Nuclear Energy interestingly enough. As with Hansen, that study is something I think I would get behind but ever since then we have seen him promote draconian policies that have nothing to do with the environment but to hold back 3rd world development and to control our lives and for us to give up our liberty under this fraud.. As Anthony Watt of the blog Watts up with that put well (here is the link to his site: said it best in his article: "I think he was affected by money, power and hoopla surrounding Al Gore's success with the alarming fabrications in an Inconvenient Truth as well as the hoopla and fame associated with the Nobel Prize for the 2007 IPCC report"....