I did a google search on both the American Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of my country Canada. Before I get to that I want to lay down the groundwork and the mindset of these people:
1. These environmental evangelists are anti-capitalist,they hate science and they most of all have an unhealthy obsession with nature and that industry is evil and must be eradicated.
2.They make bogus claims that CO2 is gonna kill us all and we must change our ways to prevent CO2 from taking all life down.
3.They say we are running out of oil.. and hence the push for wind and solar energy that they shove down our throats
4. They say the climate is "fragile"thus we must employ drastic measures to stop it
5. They claim that the population must be reduced to save Mother Gaia so they resort to communist socialist regimes that call for taxes on children. If you remember when China first adopted these policies, it was a tax and then led to forced abortions and most of the victims were female babies because they have a disdain for women and children.
these are just a few of them (I have more posted on other blogs if you want to more information)
all these things I mentioned are all untrue:
1.Peak Oil is a scam.. they create problem by saying there is not enough so this gives them the excuse to drive OUR GAS prices up and have control over our lives. In fact if I googled Peak Oil Conspiracy, I found a great article called the Myth of peak oil thanks to prisonplanet.com(which is the sister site to infowars.com) and it explains the whole agenda of these people and they give examples of how oil companies and government said there was no oil in certain areas when in fact according to a memo they acquired from Chevron that stated and I quote: "a senior energy analyst at the recent API convention warned that if the US petroleum doesn't reduce its refining capacity it will never see any substantial increase in refinery margins" this did not come from environmental organizations but from the oil companies themselves so they can take more of your hard earned money and the Eugene Island in mexico is producing oil and it keeps refilling itself so the whole theory of peak oil is a scam so they have control over our resources so they can shove expensive and infective sources of energy like Wind and Solar
here is the link:http:// www.prisonplanet.com/archives/peak_oil/index.htm
2. CO2 is one of the 4 elements of life(water,oxygen and sunlight are the other ones), it is what helps plants grow and life to thrive. Without it, life ceases to exist.It makes our planet green and beautiful. For example my mum's plants in her garden would not be growing if not for CO2.
3. 96.5% of all the greenhouse gases come from the oceans, naturally
4. We can produce reliable cheap energy despite their claims and the stuff we are using now we have the technology to burn it clean. For example, coal, before they burn it, coal goes through a process to get rid of REAL pollution and they use steam turbines when they burn so what you see coming out of the stacks is water vapour. But again it is all about controlling these cheap sources of energy.
5. The climate is not fragile. The climate goes through cycles and has throughout history for example the Medieval Warm Period, it was much warmer than it is now and it allowed people in greenland to develop and even wine to be exported because of grapes that were able to be grown as far as Britain. And there are times when it has been much cooler as well like with the little ice age. The point is the planet warms and cools NATURALLY and this is due to SOLAR ACTIVITY and natural variations in the Oceans, and the cycles of LA Nina and EL Nino.
6. Right now the Earth is cooling and again that has to due with the fact the Sun is at a quiet phase meaning it does not have any visible sunspots. but any warming is due to when the Sun is more active and you also have to factor in the Seasonal changes with the Sun as well and the earth's position, the axis of the Earth with those seasonal cycles.
7. The population of Earth is just fine.. they only did it to terrify you so they could have control over your life. But don't worry the fact they are so upfront about it and arrogant about their plans tells me their plans to control population over the myth of over population(as noted by Erlich and Holdren back in the 1970's in their eugenics genocidal promotion books The population bomb and Eco Science)
is just a load of nothing just fear tactics at their finest.
How this violates our rights:
"Amendment 1: Freedom of Religion, press, Expression:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press or the right of the people to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"
Now our rights and freedoms Of Canada(my home country and proud to be from it) we have a section called Fundamental Freedoms I will quote all of it:
"2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
A)freedom of conscience and religion
B)freedom of thought,belief,opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media communication
C) freedom of peaceful assembly and
D)Freedom of Association"
The fact that AGW/CC/GHG is a religion that Governments in both countries thanks to the Leftist socialist bastards(even here in Ontario, the province I was born and currently live in, our liberals have done nothing but makes bleed by shoving stupid taxes down our throats on heat and energy with the HST and the fact that our premier tried to shove an "eco-tax" down our throats as well but that was exposed thankfully and the fact their wind farms are gonna cost us an extra 310 dollars on our hydro bills but they could care less) and NGO's(non-government organizations like Greenpeace, Sierra Club) want to enforce on us is a clear violation of the US constitution first amendment and violates the Canadian Charters article 2 on Fundamental freedoms subsections A-D!!! the only way we will stop them if we continue to expose the fraud of AGW and the fraud the CO2 is a pollutant. So as long as this scam continues I will continue to expose them for the con artists that they are.