Sunday, June 5, 2011

now that I have put out the research of the global warming scam: here is my overall view

"a foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of the truth"-Albert Einstein
"global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life"- US physics professor Harold Lewis courtesy of the london telegraph

I started doubting Al Gore's movie Inconvenient Truth(to be honest I saw bits of his god awful movie and had to leave the room because it made me sick) when I was taking to a few of my friends on another online forum(where we talk sports, politics and etc..) and a lot of them questioned the facts in the film so that led me to the Global Warming Swindle Video.. so I began to believe that this could be a scam but I didn't know where I could go to investigate this further so I kinda went on and I forgot about it.. This began to change when I watched Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura on the global warming scam, I found the episode on youtube and the stuff that was revealed was eye-opening because I never knew about the financial aspect of this scam because you never saw this being bandied about in mainstream media so I was shocked to find out about how companies could say they are "carbon" neutral while profiting  off companies that are "polluting" less  almost like having a permission slip to shoot "carbon dioxide pollution" into the air as long as they pay but the episode got even more interesting when they interviewed Dr. Lindzen of MIT(he is an atmospheric physicist) and he said that the US had spent at least 70 billion dollars in climate research and the fact that the temperatures have fallen(which they have over the last decade from my own research) he said that this was just a ploy to get taxpayer money and get them to buy "green" to reduce their "carbon footprint" and then they talk to a guy that is part of the Hara(sp?) company that Al gore is running that is supposed to be the Microsoft of "carbon" emissions and they basically get the run around from this guy because he keeps changing his tune and denied Al Gore was a part of this company but from the research they did they said he was part of it..(make your own judgements) and then they talked to Lord Christopher Monckton(he was the science advisor to Margaret Thatcher back when she was Prime Minister in the UK) and He laid a pretty stunning conclusion that when the IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) was doing their second assessment on the climate in 1995 that after the scientists had submitted their findings that basically said that man has no influence on the climate, Maurice Strong(the canadian UN official that is behind this whole thing as I found out) his right hand man Dr. Ben Santer went through and took all that data out and as we know the conclusion was that man is influencing the climate(in the US senate minority report as you read along one of the scientists had said that the findings that man was not influencing the climate had gone missing.. he was on to something for sure) and the fact they interviewed Santer later on in the show and basically admitted that there were deletions because "they wanted to be consistent  with the other chapters" and "why did they occur" basically this told me he was behind the whole doctoring of the 1995 UN report. So as the episode goes on they talk to a man named George Hunt who was at the world wildlife congress in 1987 and talks about how the banking dynasties of the Rotchilds and other people including Strong wanted to start a World Conservation Bank and the only way to do it was to create the fears and hysteria surrounding the "global warming crisis) to fund "green" projects that they wanted to cash in on and also adopt one currency(as we know Europe got rid of their of their currency and is now the Euro) that would be for all the world. After Ventura interviewed him, we find out about Climategate where 1000 of emails were leaked by someone inside the Climate Research Unit in the UK which showed that these scientists deliberately cooked the books to hide the earth's real temperature(which was falling and I know one of the emails said "that is a travesty that we cannot account for the lack of warming" and they were real as they were interviewed by the associated press and pretty much admitted it) so it basically blew this scam wide open and I researched it and it just amazed me how they got away with this scheme for nearly 15 years(the emails go back to 1996) it was all because the more panic the created the more money they made basically. 

So with this I also watched another documentary called the Great Global Warming Swindle, it was a british program that had experts from all over the place from the US and Canada especially and it was really good because they covered the science behind the scam.. for example in Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth you know how he had the temperature graph the same as the Co2 graph saying the co-relate by CO2 was increasing temperature well in this documentary they took an ice core sample and what it showed  is that CO2 follows temperature changes for example when temperatures increase, the CO2 lags behind usually over a 800 year lag because when oceans are warm they release CO2 but when temperatures fall like they did after the second world war the CO2 actually was increasing but when oceans cool they suck at all back in thus temperatures release CO2 thus CO2 can't drive climate  so basically al gore got it all wrong . And they also talk about how this movement is becoming like a religion and if you speak out and see the real science they call you a "heretic" because they want to believe a fairytale basically and they want to spread misinformation so they can create hysteria and fear so they can get what they want: money and power plus control over our lives.. and they get into how this is affecting the 3rd world countries like Africa with the fact that they don't have access to electricity and have to use wood and animal dung(yes you heard that right) to heat their huts and the smoke from this is actually causing people to get sick with respiratory illnesses and dying as a result and they are being told by these environmentalists to not touch their coal and oil but to use Solar and Wind power instead(as we all know it is damn expensive and the fact they ignore that these people cannot afford such power because THEY ARE POOR FOR GOD"S SAKE so really they just want to keep them poor) and the fact that Solar and Wind power is not gonna do a bit of damn difference is going to cause our energy prices to GO UP and the fact they are using food crops for biofuels is causing our FOOD PRICES to go up(as I mentioned in another blog) and this is not gonna save us at the pumps it is only gonna make us hurt at the pumps because of this nonsense.. I highly recommend you watch this documentary, they do a good job of exposing this scam from the science side of it all.. 

The People who are behind this hoax want you to believe that humans and life giving CO2 are controlling our climate when they totally demonize science in the fact the real driver of earth's climate is(wait for it): THE SUN, no doubt it has always been the sun and will always be the SUN because as I mentioned before I read an article about how when we see sunspots on the sun they emit cosmic rays and that inhibits cloud cover(which is made from water vapour) and causes warming of the temperatures but when the sun has no visible spots we get cooler temperatures but they didn't want you to know that because well they think they know everything and that they are right when we all know they are not.

This is a plot to extort, cheat and tax you and me. They want to get rid of our industries like steel production, they want to get rid of coal energy for example in favor of Solar power and Wind generated power which is going to cause an energy crisis because they want to control what we can use as energy which in turn is going to cause our hydro bills to go up in price(for example here in the province of Ontario where they want to set up these wind farms  including here in Thunder Bay, is going to cost the people who live in Ontario(like I do) an EXTRA 310 dollars on our hydro bills!!(toronto sun may 31st). The fact they want to control the cars we can use, the fact is the so called smart cars are not safe because I have seen them and if you were to get into a car crash you would have no chance because of how small they are and they would basically would be eaten alive by a big truck or a regular sized car, I know myself I would rather be in a car that stood a chance then one that doesn't. They want to put taxes on things like beef, poultry, pork and fish and even on COW's natural gas coming out of their ARSE!!, they also want to tax our water, they want to tax steel production, tax laundry for heaven's sake, tax your trash pick up.. these are examples of what they want to control (in fact I posted in my links blog about this, if you want to see it for yourself) 

All of this over a stupid,tax grabbing, pseudoscientific,power grabbing,environmental evangelism, appalling celebrity claims(ie signourney weaver,james cameron, leonardo dicaprio,ed beagley jr. to name a few) ,government controlling over one of the most apalling loads of shit I have ever heard in my 25 years on this planet: man and CO2 causing the earth's climate to change

We must separate science from state.. meaning government should have no place when it comes to science because this is an example of when governments fund science, you end up with one of the greatest scientific hoaxes of our time.. 

Thank You and trust me the fight is not over...
