Thursday, December 15, 2011

CBC news: polar bears may endanger humans as climate changes

yes you read that right this article is from the CBC, now we are being told if we don't reduce evil carbon dioxide the polar bears will kill us and they claim polar bears are turning to eating themselves for food.. This is an example of the fear mongering bullshit(excuse my language) that is indoctrinating our kids into believing out right lies and myths in our schools. No wonder our education system sucks because this is all being done to teach our kids that questioning is wrong and we should accept what we are told. This is a form of mind control known as the Delphi Technique which was developed in the 1960's by the Rand Corporation which Rosa Koire in her excellent video that I posted explains very well and Charolette Iserbyt who worked for reagan as part of the US education Department exposes this  as well and I plan on posting some of her videos as she nails it on the head perfectly and even wrote a book called the deliberate dumbing down of america. 

I feel sorry for the people that believe in this myth, because when they eventually wake up it might be too late to stop the eco-facists from having their world genocidal dicatorship and Gaia state sponsored worship which violates our charter of rights and freedoms here in Canada and the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. However I still have hope that if enough of us band together, we will stop them and hopefully send them to trial for treason, fraud and crimes against humanity..