Tuesday, August 9, 2011

To Al Gore

Mr. Gore,

Your rant against Skeptics was a pathetic attempt to hold on to the ever collapsing hoax that CO2 is gonna bake the Earth. You and your control freak eco-facists czars are freaking out because we know the real truth thanks to RAW DATA that temperatures drive CO2, not the other way around and the SUN CONTROLS THE EARTH"S CLIMATE!!! and NASA data backs up the fact that CO2 cannot trap heat and is virtually insignificant but CO2 is an essential trace gas to all life on Earth and you claimed it was DEVIL POISION!!! and The Earth has been cooling for at least 10-12 years (again to due to the sun being less active)  and the fact that 31,478 THOUSAND scientists including 9,000 with phd's in the fields of earth sciences,climatology and other fields relating to this signed a petition not to long ago saying that man made climate change was a  SCIENTIFIC FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

you and your controllers didn't and DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE PEOPLE AS LONG AS YOU GOT WHAT YOU WANTED!!! which was A WORLD GOVERNMENT, POPULATION CONTROL(0ver a myth that there is too many people on earth when in reality birth rates have fallen in many parts of the world) and MONEY.. 

You should be tried along with your cronies like James Hansen and put in jail for your crimes against humanity.. 
