Monday, July 11, 2011

Part 2: Green Brainwashing

 To guilt you, they had to brainwash you into thinking driving your car was killing Mother Gaia and to trick your children into thinking the polar bears and penguins  were gonna die, they had to trick you into believing the coasts were gonna flood from rapidly melting ice caps. Their goal was for their plan not to be exposed so anyone who spoke out against it were told to shut up and made all kinds of threats against them. They cooked the IPCC reports to further push their agenda.. They created the hockey stick graph which we found out later was a fraud again to use that as a weapon to terrify the public.. They claimed that the 20th century was the warmest but thanks to Steve McIntyre and Dr. Ross McKittrick we found out they got rid of the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age. Thanks to Climategate, we found out just how they manipulated their data so they could get more of our tax dollars to continue the fraud and to terrorize the public. Still they try and hold on to their religion because they know we know the real truth and are trying to cover their arses when they should be in jail for their criminal acts.

They used mainstream media to promote their chicken little hysteria to also brainwash the public and use deplorable claims to do it like blaming CO2 for extreme weather and anything else they could think of.. again to keep people clueless so they could sneak their agenda under the radar without question and have control over every aspect of our lives..

Quite sickening eh???
