Sunday, December 18, 2011

Webster Tarpley on Malthusian Madness

 this is an interview from a youtube blogger by the name of Paula Gloria who a couple years ago interviewed Webster Tarpley(and there are other interviews she has done with him that have been excellent and informative) on Malthusian Ideology. Malthus was an english clergyman who created the hoax of overpopulation by stealing a venetian kook Ortes ideas of carrying capacity. Malthus claimed that population increased geometrically while food increased arithmetically(meaning people grew faster than food basically) this is a fraud because when you bring people into the middle class and have rapid technological advances, the birth rate naturally falls and food production as a result increases with these advances. if you watched the video I posted with Steve Mosher on the overpopulation hoax, you will understand this well but this video gives the background of these lunatics who embrace this nonsense and you will learn how they hate science and human innovation in this interesting informative interview. The idea of man made global warming is really not about science but ideological nonsense from these oligarchs who want to control the world and go back to the pre-industrial age where life span was 35 years old and it was not great.