Tuesday, July 19, 2011

To David Phillips and the rest of you hysterics

Blaming the storms in Ottawa(which my heart goes out to all who were affected) to due to "man made climate change"when in fact Extreme weather is not increasing and has decreased by 35% in the US alone so really.. last time I checked you need 2 things: cold air colliding with warm air and thus you get thunderstorms and these types of events in the SUMMER!!!! 

Stop terrorizing the public, we know it is A SCAM!!!! so for god's sake, I have had enough with your hysterical religion and terror...

Climate Change is natural and is DUE TO THE SUN AND THE ECCENTRICITIES OF THE EARTH's ORBIT and NOT CO2!!!!

CO2 LAGS BEHIND TEMPERATURE  usually after 800 years (due to the oceans mainly) not the other way around like you oligarch's claim. 

I will continue to expose you con artists as long as you continue your hysterics over a life giving gas CO2 which you all claim is devil poison that will wipe all life out unless we bow down to your Gaia worship so you can exercise your control freak regulations  and eugenics program through Agenda 21 so you can put us under a control grid and take our homes away from us and put us in prison camps or "human settlements" and enslave us all

If all environmentalism was about cleaning the air from REAL pollution like smog, cleaning the waters from REAL TOXINS and recycling I could live with that but what I will not be had on is the DEMONIZATION of a life giving natural element CO2 that has been around since the birth of Earth  being sold as a toxic gas... 
