Sunday, June 19, 2011

why I am a "man made global warming" skeptic

I became a skeptic when Al Gore and David Suzuki said the science was settled and that the debate was over... well that raised the red flag with me because science is never settled as we know that is not how the scientific process works and I have no respect for either of them as you are fully aware. Al Gore's movie never sat well with me, I seen excerpts of it and I just never felt right about his claims but I ignored my intuition and just went about things.. fast forward to now it was when I heard about Jesse Ventura's show conspiracy theory that they did an episode about this I thought well that sounds interesting so one day I went on youtube and watched the entire episode. I remember saying"I knew it was a scam", everything they uncovered in the episode started to make sense and the part where they talked to Lord Christopher Monckton when they talked about the 1995 IPCC report being doctored(the guy behind it Dr. Santer, who basically didn't deny tampering with it) really started to get the gears going in my mind then later on when they talked about those climategate emails really sealed it for me.. I began researching anything I could find on this including the great global warming swindle and I was really surprised at how they could think that a life giving trace gas CO2 was a dangerous poison, it really appalled me. The fact they ignore that the Sun is the primary driver of climate is quite astounding to me but again when driven by money and the fact they wanted to keep the chicken little hysteria going does not surprise me in the least.. getting back to climategate, those emails proved my suspicions to a "T"and the fact I found a US senate minority report on this issue are clearly smoking guns to proving that "man made global warming caused by life giving CO2" is a complete utter joke and a pseudo-scientific piece of bullshit...
Also when they tell us that using food for fuel is good when there are millions of starving people out there is also part of this fraud because it is causing food shortages and food riots and causing OUR food prices to go up is to me a violation of basic human rights but they don't give a damn about that at all which is frankly really cruel and disgusting...

Until the day this all blows up in their face as it continues to, I will keep covering this issue and exposing the fraud
