Saturday, September 24, 2011

green police burn down ugandan homes in name of "global warming"

this was up on and yesterday here is the link:

 This company from Britain called New Forests(being backed by the World Bank and HSBC and goldman sachs investors) have imported armed troops to kick ugandans out of their homes and children have been killed by burning down their homes and shooting them all in the name of planting trees for their "carbon" allotment to save Earth from an evil life giving trace gas Carbon Dioxide.. This movement has to be the most disgusting anti-human campaign I have ever witnessed in my life.. and of course I see a letter in my paper today after reading about this about how we need to listen to our lords and masters at the IPCC and he calls him self a scientist David Suzuki to stop " man made climate change"(this is how bad people have been brainwashed by MSM to believe that humans control the weather) and reduce evil carbon dioxide.. little do these people understand that is was and always was about genocide and controlling every aspect of our lives simply over an "evil" life giving gas.. 
