Wednesday, June 26, 2013

When politicians start labeling a life giving gas CO2 as "carbon pollution" then we are in deep trouble

globalist puppet Obama's speech yesterday where he labeled CO2, which plants need to thrive and grow as a "pollutant" sums up just what is wrong with our world today when radical environmental fascists take over government policy. The time is coming when we the non-crazies clash with the radical eco-tryants will come and man it cannot come fast enough with the horrific draconian bullshit these so called green policies of corrupt politicians who only serve the mega-banks and the mega-corporations who have highjacked us

And you can see the text of the speech where he says it is our "moral obligation" to cut "carbon"!!! are you kidding me??? Moral Obligation??? moral obligation would be to allow the poor nations of our world to be allowed to touch their god damn resources like coal, oil and gas and to end these draconian "green" policies that have nothing to do with the environment at all and more with the elite's desire to control our lives through this bloody hoax that CO2 is going to bake us all to death unless we pay Lord Rothchild and Al Gore money through "carbon taxes"

This is truly one of the greatest scams in history for sure and a even more sinister one given the anti-human implications of this disgusting fraud