Friday, June 14, 2013

Here we go again: The Carbon Tax is back on the Agenda as the US Senate environment panel is taking up Sen. Sander's "carbon tax" bill and Man behind Syrian Chemical Weapons claim is a FICTION writer who helped run the Benghazi coverup

Yes it is true folks, a Senate panel will beginning taxing the American people for breathing out a life giving gas CO2 because to them it causes all the bad weather we have seen recently. Eco-fascist and Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairwoman Barbara Boxer(D-California) told reporters on the Capitol yesterday that Sen. Bernard Sanders' (I-Vt) climate bill will resurface.

Boxer wants to get this up and running this summer but it faces an uphill battle and will likely die on arrival in the GOP house but has this stopped them before??? no. In March a majority of the US Senate opposed a carbon tax amendment to the Senate Democrat budget and they are made up of 53 members.

As we all know this has zero to do with the environment and more about controlling people's lives through fraud and further destroy the economy as it already has from the globalist banksters that have highjacked the United States, Canada and Europe and these carbon taxes will go these scumbags to fund their worldwide tyrannical government and usher in their Agenda 21 collectivist control system as they already are doing but people are starting to wake up to it and even some states have kicked UN Agenda 21 out of their respective states but we still have a long way to go to kick these bastards out of our countries and arrested for their criminal activity...................

Ben Rhodes, the White House national security advisor behind the the claim that President Bashar Al-Assad used chemical weapons in Syria, is a bloody fiction writer with no educational background in government, diplomacy or national security, played a HUGE role in covering up the real truth of the attacks at the United States consulate in Benghazi.

Yesterday, this fraud who calls him self a "national security advisor" announced that the White House had "high confidence" that the Syrian Army had used chemical weapons providing zero evidence to back this up and that the Obama administration would now take steps to fund the FSA rebels, which has been well documented are being led by the CIA created Al-Qaeda terrorists who killed U.S. troops in Iraq. The Wall St. Journal is reporting that a no fly zone is being prepared and would yet again suck the United States into yet another war.

The 35 year old Rhodes has been President and globalist puppet Obama's speech writer since 2007 and now enjoys being national security advisor for strategic communication. He created the infamous term "kinetic military action" to describe the carpet bombing of Libya which allowed Obama to skirt around the constitutional question of having to declare war.

Rhode's expertise revolves around creating and manufacturing narratives. According to Ed Lansky: "He earned a master's degree in fiction writing from New York University just a few years ago. He did not have a degree in government, diplomacy, national security; nor has he served in the CIA, or the military. He was toiling away not that long ago on a novel called "The Oasis of Love" about a mega church in Houston, a dog track, and failed romance"

As Stephen Hayes documented in a lengthy Weekly Standard piece, Rhodes was crucial to altering CIA talking points to delete references to Islamic terrorists being part of the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, setting the foundation for the Obama administration's blatant cover up of the incident claiming the attack was caused by an Anti-Muslim film. This is also was another attempt to hide the fact that the White House had supported Al-Qaeda terrorists in overthrowing Gaddafi, just like they are doing now in Syria. Rhodes can also bank on the corporate corrupt mainstream media to push these fairytales about chemical weapons since is brother David is president of CBS News.

The involvement of a fiction writer in selling more war bullshit based on false claims of weapons of mass destruction illustrates how this administration is beating the war drums to in order to distract us all from their horrific scandals in the United States and the White House accelerating this despite the fact both parties are opposing this and despite warnings this could lead to WW3 if they get their way...