Friday, June 21, 2013

U.S House of Representatives Vote to legalize Hemp and how Agenda 21 is in full effect in Communist China

The United States house of representatives voted 225-200 on June 20th to legalize industrial farming of hemp fiber. Hemp is in the marijuana plant family and its fiber has been used to make many different things like paper, clothes and other products for thousands of years however it had been demonized since the beginning of the manufactured fraud that is the drug war in the United States and does not even produce the THC chemical found in marijuana

The amendment's sponsor Jared Polis(D-Colo.) noted in the congressional debates that "George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp. The first American flag was made of hemp. And today U.S. retailers sell over $300 million worth of goods containing hemp- but all of that hemp is imported, since farmers can't grow it here. The federal government should clarify that states should have the ability to regulate academic and agricultural research of industrial hemp without fear of federal interference. Hemp is not marijuana, and that the very least we should allow our universities-the greatest in the world-to research the potential benefits and downsides of this important agricultural commodity"

Recent polls show that the majority of Americans want marijuana to be legalized along with hemp. So this is a positive step in the right direction and hopefully one of these days the useless drug war will be ended once and for all because in reality

The communist chinese ruling over mainland China showed us once again why it is the model for the rest of us when it comes to UN Agenda 21 and the globalist elite desire for an eco-fascist dictatorship where they are forcing millions of farmers from rural areas into mega-regions being built across the nation. According to news reports, such land is being confiscated by force by the Chinese Communist Party as they are working to put people into shoddy cookie cutter buildings and cities that are popping up across the country.

Several analysts have cited communist dictator Mao Tse Tung's central planning schemes that resulted in a horrific genocide of 80 million people through starvation and murder. While the vicious tyrant  was obsessed with "industrialization" on China from the top down, the latest group of communist thugs are posing similar ideology but what is being dubbed "urbanization" and it appears their rural population will be forced to submit to this horrific atrocity whether they like it or not- all under the guise of their own damn benefit from the propaganda the communist party is spewing out.

According the NY Times, 250 million rural residents will be brought into cities within the next 12 years and others like the Guardian in the UK has reported about 400 million being in the crosshairs of the planned cities being erected all across China and the dictator's "constitution" states that all land in China is owned collectively which means that the state has all control over property rights and the conflicts between farmers and the authoritarian trash Communist chinese is becoming more frequent.

Amnesty International meanwhile reported last year that at least 41 chinese people set themselves on fire from 2009-2011 in protest of this horrific land grab and the numbers are probably higher than that but given the Orwelllian censorship, the rest of the world and the Chinese people are left in the dark as to what these pieces of shit are doing

And of course this all part of the United Nations Agenda 21 along with fake environmental policies never minding China has some the worst air quality in the world because they have no environmental standards when it comes to burning coal like we do here in the west though there have been efforts to shut down power plants especially here in Ontario, Canada where they bragged in the media about shutting 11 of 19 coal plants here in Ontario down but yet China is building them every other week.. talk about hypocrisy for sure...

We have known for years of the globalist scum at the UN like Maurice Strong who want this for the rest of us and China is an example of what will happen if we don't kick Agenda 21 out of Canada and elsewhere which will include forced abortions, forced evictions  and a 90% reduction in the world's population...

This is so disgusting and barbaric all under the most incredible hoax ever: man made climate change and the CO2 pollutant myth...