Monday, June 3, 2013

Bilderberg 2013: official attendance list released, agenda released as well

The list has been released of the people who are attending the meetings scheduled for June 6th-9 at the Grove in Watford, UK

and you will see some notable Canadians like Edmund Clark of TD Bank, Heather Reisman the CEO of Indigo Books and Chapters(she has attended before and Clark as well) Premier of Saskatchewan Brad Wall, Galen Weston who is the Executive Chairman of Loblaws who run the grocery store chains such as Superstore

So in total there is 140 people participating in the secretive globalist confab..

on the heels of the attendance list being released, the official Bilderberg site says key topics will be discussed from "Developments in the Middle East" to "Nationalism vs. Populism",  US Foreign Policy, Jobs, entitlement and growth  to name some of the items going to be discussed at this year's meeting

Oh if you want live coverage of the meetings go to: as the globalist sons of bitches hammer out their details to control the world and dominate this week over in the United Kingdom is providing live streams of this all week if you want to check this out

And I will post articles of Bilderberg 2013 all this week too that come out so you can also stay updated as well.