Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How out of touch is our government? Gord Miller the Environmental Commissioner shows us why and ICLEI Is pissed off because people are waking up to Agenda 21 land grab

More examples of the radical green agenda that has infected our government. Gord Miller has been appointed to Environmental Commissioner just as a press release stating he was AFRAID that Ontario would not meet their "climate change goals" by 2014 by supplying electricity with natural gas generation(which I am not against) but the world has been getting cooler for almost 20 years and counting, we have electricity coming out the ying yang so much we pay our neighbors to take it off our hands and we have a misguided Wind Power that in my opinion was not researched properly before they decided to give it the green light and has wasted our TAX dollars on something that was a scam from the start

On top of that we pay some of the highest god damn electrical rates in the country thanks to Miller's government that people are actually in ENERGY poverty and thanks to all the scams this government has run it is really no wonder Ontario has gone to hell over the last decade or so. I am so sick of these mouthpieces for the radical environmental fascists spewing this crap that WE KNOW is a DAMN PROVEN FRAUD!!!

The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) is meeting in Bonn, Germany for their annual get together that has been going for 23 years!!

Who are these people?? They are the fronts for the United Nations Agenda 21 folks and their "green" cover is being exposed for the fraud that it is and they are pissed off because people are doing their homework and informing themselves of this violation of our rights and exposing them for who they are really are: TREASONOUS SCUMBAGS!!!

and CFACT(Committee for A Constructive Tomorrow) is causing trouble over there because they are exposing these criminals and the inner circle of Agenda 21

and it is because of grassroots efforts regarding UN Agenda 21, ICLEI is starting to panic as people are growing wise to their land grab under the guise of saving the earth from a life giving gas CO2 which to them is devil poison when in reality it is food that plants need to grow and we breathe out this miracle gas too but don't tell that to these tyrants.