Monday, June 17, 2013

Nanny Bloomberg is at again: Plans to force citizens to compost

New York City Mayor and globalist minion Michael Bloomberg has announced plans to penalize New Yorkers who do not compost food waste. Nanny Mike, who has outlawed large soft drinks and smoking outside, has this plan to handle 100,000 tons of food scraps a year and convert residential food waste into something like biogas for electrical generation according to the New York Times.

Bio-gas is another one of those trendy alternatives to conventional fuel to generate electricity and it is very inefficient and more expensive than biofuels if you can believe it. Moreover sanitation officials in America's largest city consider New York too dense and vertically structured to have such a policy to succeed.

For now, Bloomberg's policy will be voluntary. New York, however, eventually wants this to be mandatory. Cities around the United States such as San Francisco and Seattle, are currently mandating their citizens to participate in food recycling programs

San Francisco's Mandatory Recycling and Composting Ordinance fines building owners if they do not have blue, green and black bins and information on their proper uses according to the SF Environment web page.

Michael Bloomberg's nanny state bullshit has increased momentum recently. In addition to soft drinks and smoking, New York's bureaucrats are attempting to restrict pain medication under the guise of the national epidemic on prescription drug abuse.

Infowars reported last January how Bloomberg's view of government and its sprawling and ineffectual ability is far better than doctors and other medical professionals and his ban on soda and attacks on law abiding gun owners and this latest stunt illustrates the drive that governments have to control every aspect of our god damn lives and further their intrusiveness into our private affairs.

Now I am not against composting however we do not need to force people to do something they don't want to do because it is not right and takes away our freedom to make our own recycling choices