Sunday, January 27, 2013

Why People Think Sandy Hook is A Hoax

 people are becoming more distrusting of the mainstream media and government so when the terrible events of Sandy Hook happened, citizen journalists analyzing the official Sandy Hook narrative are finding inconsistencies with the official story. Many are finding the same red flags like lack of security footage, changing weapons story, the omission of eye witness accounts saying there were multiple shooters and etc.. This report which was well done by Alex Jones of goes over how CNN over the years has faked news reports and worked with the Military, he highlights some of the red flags in this piece as well.

 Either way, There is no doubt in my mind that the US government is using this awful tragedy to further strip Americans of their god given constitutional rights  and for them and the corrupt mainstream media to exploit it in the sick way they have shows a complete callous disregard for the victims and the families who were affected by this terrible crime