A congressman from the Lone Star state known as Texas is threatening globalist puppet U.S. president Obama with impeachment if his administration uses executive orders to claw back the Second Amendment.
In a press release titled: "Obama's gun grab an unconstitutional threat to the nation- Republican representative Steve Stockman stated, "The White House's recent announcement to use executive actions to infringe on our constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms is an unconstitutional and unconscionable attack on the very founding principles of this republic"
Rep. Stockman said he will "pursue any means necessary" to stop Obama's use of executive orders to target the 2nd amendment "including but not limited to eliminating funding for implementation, defunding the White House, and even filing articles of impeachment"
"Under no circumstances whatsoever may the government take any action that disarms any peaceable person-much less without due process through an executive declaration without a vote of Congress or a ruling of a court- Stockman also stated
The Congressman when on to say that the president's actions are not only an outright attack on the American Constitution and Bill of Rights but this attack on Americans "places all of us in danger"
The Congressman's strong support of the Second Amendment comes at a critical junction in the gun control debate. Anti-Gun pushers have been spurred on by the recent school shooting in Newtown, CT and are using the emotional vulnerability of the nation as an excuse to pass sweeping gun control reform
However there have been many in law enforcement at local levels that have stated they will not enforce any unconstitutional mandates by the federal government. I posted yesterday the story of the Kentucky Sheriff Denny Peyman of Jackson County, Kentucky during a town hall this past weekend told attendees that he had no intentions of taking anyone's guns away by stating: "I am responsible for the people inside this county. I couldn't justify, if Obama passes this, it doesn't matter what he passes, the sheriff has more power than the federal people. I consider this a moral obligation... My office will not comply any federal actions which violate the United States Constitution or the Kentucky Constitution which I swore to uphold"
Earlier Rep. Stockman and Rep. Paul Brown(Republican from GA) introduce HR. 35 IH or the "Safe Schools act of 2013" a bill that would have banned "Gun Free Zones" around schools. The Bill also rightfully called out the Gun Free Zones act as a "deadly failure" and one part actually quotes: "the reason that the "Gun Free School Zones Act" has made American schools unsafe is that shooters know that they can victimize American school campuses with no fear that victims will be armed"
Could not agree more with that statement.. just think how the outcomes would have changed in Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech to name a couple examples if a law abiding citizen was allowed to carry his or her gun into these places where these tragedies occurred.. how many lives would still be with us to this day... The New York Senate passed a gun bill following governor Andrew Cuomo's insane attacks on the 2nd amendment during his state of the state address earlier this month(video provided in article)
The legislation now moves on to the Assembly for passage. If this passes, owners of firearms classified as "assault weapons" by the state will be forced to register them with the police. A firearm will be classified as an assault weapon if has one or more military features, such as a pistol grip or bayonet mount and owners will be required to "re-certify" their weapons after 5 years
The Bill contains additional regulations on law abiding gun owners including:
Limiting magazines to 7 bullets(down from the so called national standard of 10)
Making unsafe storage of a so called assault rifle a misdeameanor
Outlawing internet sales of "assault" weapons
Requiring retailers to sell ammo to register with the state, run background checks on purchasers and maintain a database of all sales
Mandating mental health therapists to REPORT their patients if they made a credible threat to use a gun illegally(the cops would come and confiscate the firearms)
the sick globalist bastard known as Cuomo had some nerve to declare the 2nd amendment a "scourge on society" as the Democrats claim it does not endanger the constitutional rights of the people and one Bronx Democrat said: "this is not about taking anyone's rights way. It's about a safe society... today we setting the mark for the rest of the country to do what's right"
Yeah right, this is totally an attack on the American constitution and Bill of Rights and need I remind these gun grabbing globalist dirt bags that anytime through history when the Nazis took the guns, the Communist Chinese and Communist Russians took the guns it all lead to DEATH BY GOVERNMENT!!!
A New York State Senator slammed what is being called the nations toughest gun control bill saying it was introduced in the middle of the night and that members were forced to vote on this legislation without being given a chance to read the damn thing
Senator Greg Ball said the following in a statement: "I simply cannot support a bill that turns law-abiding citizens into criminals by creating an entire new category of illegal firearms out of currently legal rifles and shotguns... the last minute push, in the middle of the night without critical public input from sportsmen and taxpayers was outrageous and forced members to vote on a bill they had not read"
The Senator said that the bill does nothing to address the issues of mental health and gave examples of this within his district and he urged that this legislation would not do a damn thing to improve that
"We haven't saved any lives tonight, except one: the political life of a governor who wants to be president"-the Senator said while on the Senate Floor in reference to Governor Andrew Cuomo. He also added that the New York Senate was willing to transform law abiding citizens into criminals "hoping on the front pages that we will be seen as preventing tragedies" the bill was approved 43-18
Senator John J. Bonacic, who also was opposed to the legislation calling it "nothing more than window dressing to make people feel secure until the next tragedy strikes-all while criminalizing the actions of otherwise law abiding citizens"
Senator Patty Ritchie another of the 18 who voted against this stated"attempts to restrict legal ownership and possession of firearms from responsible sportsmen-rather than focusing on criminals-will not enhance the safety of our communities, and deprives law-abiding citizens of an important right under the Constitution of the United States"
The 2nd amendment as Senator Lee M. Zeldin, who also voted against this, stated:
"In our Constitution are certain rights which provide the foundation of America's greatness. Its Second Amendment in no uncertain terms guarantees the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. Its purpose was not so much about hunting as it was for a deeper and much more important consideration of our founding fathers. The inspiration for this protection rose out of a fundamental mistrust of government. Our great nation was founded on the idea that all people have certain inalienable rights. Our founding fathers understood these rights were not granted by the government and therefore, shall not be removed by it either"
the 3 day waiting period for a bill to be adopted is being waived by the Democrat-controlled Assembly, citing a need to rush this through to avoid a rush on gun purchases. The Assembly is expected to approve this disgusting piece of trash draconian bill without hesitation....
You hear the terms "Policy integrity" "Ethical culture." "Enivronmental protection." "Environmental defense" "Friends of the earth" and etc.. Not just the names but their charter, culture and policies-their very being and represent a commitment to these values that are held dear. Or so we have been told.
The eco-fascist activist groups and government talk a damn good game. They certainly have the corrupt mainstream media and a lot of legislator and regulators on their side. While many, like myself, who dare question their polices and agendas lack the Greens money, influence, connections and firepower- or courage. These supposed "white hats" as Paul Driessen writes in this wonderful piece, are "all har and no cattle-or worse"
In reality, their "policies" are built on nothing but sand, worthless computer models or incredible deception. a Movement that began to curtail serious environmental concerns won most of those battles but then became obsessed on eradicating cheap forms of energy like hydrocarbon or nuclear power, gaining more of your hard earned tax dollars and power and using the environment as an excuse to control our lives, hold back modern technology and living standards and use poverty, misery and disease in poor countries under the guise of precaution, biodiversity and my favorite "sustainable development" and to "stabilize the climate"
Organizations and agencies now share 10s of billions of dollars of your tax paying dollars to dictate decision making. Companies then get created, establish lobbyists and hire them for 50,000 dollars to turn environmental policies and programs into money grabbing cash cows that have more lives than ever..
Climategate, cooked data, new theories regarding solar activity and cosmic rays- the refusal of climate reality to co-operate with computers. carbon dioxide theory and climate catastrophe headlines- have turned to Kyoto protocol into a bloody joke that is nothing more than a transfer of wealth.
By discovering another century of oil and gas and hydraulic fracturing(fracking) have completely debunked claims from eco-fascist malthusian scumbag organizations like the Club of Rome and Sierra club myths that we were running out of petroleum
One would think this shift would perhaps get environmentalists and government to rethink their solar and wind energy programs designed to replace "disappearing oil and gas" but no any attempt to revise laws, regulations is met with outraged as always
The idea of resource depletion and the fraud that is man made climate change continue to drive public policy. Even when programs that were supposed to advance health and ecological goals are found to do the complete 180. Here are a few examples that the article provides:
"Congress enacted automobile mileage standards as an energy conservation mandate. the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) unilaterally raised the requirement to 54.5 mpg(miles per gallon) based mainly on "global warming" concerns. The result has been more cars that are smaller, lighter and less crash-worthy-thus thousands of additional fatalities, tens of thousands of serious extra injuries every year. EPA routinely justifies, job killing regulations by claiming they will save thousands of lives, which the agency values at $8.9 million each. But it obstinately ignores the injuries, deaths, and billions of dollars in healthcare and mortality costs that its mileage standards are exacting on American every year"
"In their determination to make more oil and gas off limits, promote renewable energy. and slash emissions of carbon dioxide and air pollution, EPA and Interior Department promote highly exaggerated health and welfare benefits, and statistical lives theoretically saved. They routinely ignore the adverse health and welfare impacts cause by regulations and other actions that increase heating, food, transportation costs, cause numerous layoffs, and hurt poor and minority families most of all. EPA has even employed illegal human experiments to advance its anti-hydrocarbon agenda"
And he also talks about the biofuels scam that produce Corn ethanol and other alternative fuels that have been heavily funded were supposed to be "green" and better for the "climate" and etc.. but in the U.S. oil and gas reserves are increasing despite the Obama administration attempts to shackle these developments. Millions of acres of farmland and algae ponds produce the same BTU output that comes from and oil and gas field and impact far less land and with 40% of the United States corn production going to this biofuels project,the State of Iowa has to plant more corn to keep up quotas
Driessen also states that in drought years, it does take a lot of water to grow corn and process it into ethanol but fracking actually recycles the water it uses but the eco-fascists will never tell you that and this demand has driven corn prices through the roof from $2.80 a bushel to $8.50 per bushel.. good for corn growers but painful for the poultry, egg, beef, pork and catfish producers whos feeding costs have gone through the roof and has raised family food prices, making it hard for agencies to feed those who are starving, increased malnutrition, misery, disease and early deaths for millions of children especially in the 3rd world where this increase in food prices is a death sentence..
Not to mention those wind turbines that have killed millions of bats and birds. Of course the hypocrites at the EPA, Defenders of Wildlife, U.S. Fish and Wildlife go crazy over bird deaths caused by oil and gas but when it comes to wind turbines destructiveness they don't say a damn thing about it
Cheap energy has saved and enriched the lives for countless amounts of lives. They have protected us from nature's unforgiving wrath and nature from humanity to use forests and grasslands for fuel
Sensible policy, ethics, sustainability and environmental protection recognize this but today we have radical environmentalists and their backers who refuse to admit the damage their so called policies actually cause to not only humanity but nature as a whole