Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2 studies the eco-fascists and the corrupt media don't want you to read: 1) New Study finds climate responds to short and long-term changes in solar activity, 2) Paper shows solar activity at end of 20th century was near highest over the past 11,500 years

A new paper that was published in the Holocene finds a significant link between solar activity and climate over the last 1000 years. The authors of the study that the climate responds to both the 11 year solar cycle and to long term changes in particular solar minima showing that solar activity when it is the highest increased summer precipitation but when it is at its lowest summer precipitation decreases basically

A another study published in the Astronomy and Astrophysics reconstructed solar activity over the Holocene and finds that solar activity at the end of the 20th century was near the highest levels of the entire 11,500 year record. Over the past 2,500 years the paper illustrates a "hockey stick" graph of showing the sharp increase of solar activity following the end of the Little Ice Age in the 1800s

Also there has been numerous peer-reviewed studies that show that not only changes in solar activity can have a great impact on climate but other factors like Cosmic Rays/Clouds, Ocean cycles, Global brightening after the so called global cooling "scare" due to decreased aerosols and clouds noted in multiple studies also effects on Ozone production from large changes in solar UV within and between solar cycles which is a secondary factor when it comes to surface temperatures and forcing due to changes in the length of the day and of course all these studies are linked in the article if you want to check them out as well

So it is clear that the SUN is the main driver along with the other factors mentioned NOT Carbon Dioxide as CO2 comes after temperature changes and the fact they are afraid of a life giving essential trace gas CO2 is truly not only amazing but incredibly appalling

"It is the greatest scam in history"-John Coleman