Saturday, January 5, 2013

Eco-Fascist Hypocrite malthusian globalist scumbag Al Gore sells out to Big Oil and Gas and John O Sullivan 2012: U.S. National Academies find greenhouse effect doesn't exist!!

We all know the corrupt mainstream media serves a propaganda tool for foreign governments that hate the West (see video above) well Eco-Fascist hypocrite malthusian globalist piece of shit Al Gore sold his Current TV to oil backed Al-Jazeera, who are state funded by the Qatar government for 100 million dollars

Big Oil is bad- so bad that this piece of malthusian trash is trying to save the earth by taking as much money as he can from them even though he and the rest of the globalist minions at the WWF and Greenpeace have received money from the big oil companies(  also see Donna Laframboise's article regarding this ) However you likely won't here this the next time this piece of trash comes out with his "Dirty Weather" report..

SO the next time you hear these  hypocritical  pieces of globalist  trash make false accusations about skeptics of being funded by big oil just remember that THEY ARE IN BED WITH BIG OIL!!!!

(Note this article is from December 20th 2012 but still important) One of America's prestigious science establishments the National Academy of Sciences(NAS) and related government bodies found no GREENHOUSE EFFECT in Earth's atmosphere. The Evidence shows that the U.S. government was keeping this under wraps because they had to ride this hoax for everything it got which shows that the greenhouse effect was not real and of no scientific merit back in 1979 or earlier!!! all These organizations were complicit in their "climate alarmism" all the while they covered this up on purpose for 33 years.

SO obviously this is a huge deal for those climate science whistleblowers who for years knew what was going on but again they were silenced and the title of the Document was "Carbon Dioxide and Climate: A Scientific Assessment" which was a joint publication in 1979 that was commissioned on behalf of the U.S. government and this revelation tied in with the leaked IPCC draft report during that time. The draft had admitted that it had to back pedal on their stance that a life giving gas was killing the planet and could not find any evidence that the climate was being affected by CO2. It is really no wonder- CO2 is not a factor at all if there is no greenhouse effect to start WITH!!! the document is linked in the article if you choose to read the 13,000 33 year old document that only mentions CO2 no less than 112 and nowhere in the text do you find any mention of the greenhouse/effect and theory. The Author of the article, based on an excellent suggestion by Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball and climate researcher Derek Alker, who are part of the Principia Scientific International(PSI) , who understood how huge this was, actually got a copy of this document from the NAS website and ran it through a full word search to confirm the numbers: There is no mention of any greenhouse effect as a factor on our climate!!

One huge factor is there was no political axe to grind like there is no and to have this new evidence arise provides skeptics with the ultimate smoking gun to challenge the fraud/scam that is man made climate change..

No serious mainstream climate scientists(with the exception of the corrupt ones) ever gave the greenhouse effect theory the time of DAY!!

This vindicates people like Dr. Tim Ball and others who had been saying it from the start: The GHE was debunked by Professor Woods in 1909!!

the Author went and asked the 200 plus members of the PSI who worked in meteorology or climatology to recall if they had ever seen any "science" of the GHE emerge onto the radars of universities, schools and national science academies..

PSI co-Founder Dr. Martin Hertzberg, who was trained as a forecaster and research meteorologist for the U.S. Navy from 1953-1956 said that the term "greenhouse gas" never appeared in any of the texts or articles he would study nor did him or others in his field use that concept when making short or long term weather predictions

Dr. Tim Ball also confirmed that the origins of this was created as a teaching analogy and was later adopted and adapted as a theory. Carl Sagan and Hansen were messing around with the issue of aersols because of the alarmist threat of a "nuclear winter" which claimed that with a global nuclear war, there would be so much dust put into the atmosphere that it would block out the sunlight and basically the world would become one huge ice ball. the Idea of course was bullshit and shown to be absolutely incorrect but not without leaving residue as Hansen became obsessed with aerosols and soot. Explains why this piece of trash has had such a hatred for cheap energy from coal

The PSI was appealing for more evidence from other professionals and scientists the world over who studied in or were part of climate meteorological studies before the 1980s. Their goal is to have forensic evidence to show the "trace line back to where national science bodies and universities went over to the "dark side" to sound the alarm over bogus greenhouse gas "science"

Sane minds will now put together all the damning pieces of evidence and understand why most modern science instruments show little if any climate sensitivity to carbon dioxide(CO2). So while climate scientists in 1979 that the greenhouse effect was not even a factor. If there was any evidence  to be found to show that this is  one of the greatest, most incredible pseudo-scientific pieces of nonsense ever this document surely is important along with  all the other evidence we have like those climategate emails as an example.. I hope one day this evidence leads to the criminal convictions of Al Gore, Maurice Strong, Michael Mann, Phil Jones and the rest of their  globalist crime syndicate for their horrific crimes against humanity and fraud