Thursday, January 10, 2013

Is globalist puppet canadian prime minister Stephen Harper negotiating with a terrorist and America do Not give up your guns!!!

over the past decade, the Canadian government has been hell bent on preventing "terrorism" pulling every propaganda trick in the book to con the public into believing we have a terrorist threat(since Canada has never been attack by a terrorist as far as I can remember)

The definition of terrorism is this: "The Use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims"

In a recent online conversation that Terry Wilson of Canadian Awareness saw this very interesting point. is the Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence engaging in terrorism?? by threatening her own life in the pursuit of her own damn political agenda???

I think most people could see it that way which would mean the Harper government and the Monarchy(the Governor General) would be negotiating with a terrorist when they meet this Friday January 11th 2013

But I guess the same could be said for the native chiefs meeting with terrorists. Since many will tell you that the monarchy and by extension our own Canadian government has been in engaged in terrorism against the native people of this country for well over 200 years

Given the Idle No More protests, which was spawned by recent events but is being fueled by absolute outrage that has been passed down through generations for the monarchy to take away land from the native people

But Blaming Stephen Harper for the recent changes is justified however the crown(regardless of who their point man is at the time) seems to be the root cause of what the Idle No More is protesting since it was the Crown who created the Indian act and etc...

so Terry Wilson wrote a post from 2011 about the rebellion of 1837 asking if we should bring that spirit back( in which

William Lyon Mackenzie King lead 5,000 men who wanted Canada to break free from the British Monarchy and the elites to create a Canadian Republic but was not successful clearly

It is very interesting indeed and there is a video showing the differences between a Republic and a Democracy (shown above)

A Republic is rule by law and protecting the rights of the people whereas a democracy is the rule of the majority, Monarchy is rule by one, Oligarchy is rule by the few, Anarchy rule by no one basically

Oligarchy is the most common form of government even today and is what we are facing right now the rule of the few

But you do need some law as there is no freedom without it but some use anarchy to promote revolts to break down society and then beg government to bring in order and this happened in Nazi germany and Communist Russia

Democracy is rule by the majority and the flaw is when a majority is not restrained and takes someone's house or kids even business and half  people who are persuaded to want something in a democracy they rule essentially..

A Republic is rule by law and basically leaves the people alone basically

and the video does a great job explaining

the essence of a republic is lets say for example in the old west a gunman was going around shooting people and the people want to hang him but the sherrif says he has a right to a fair and speedy trial in front of a jury who does not rule by majority and has to be unanimous in whether the gunman is guilty or not or he goes free basically That is a republic bascially and limits government power

and the people could keep the fruits of their labor and where free

Rome was a republic but had no limits on government power and thus they had an economy that was based on slave labor and then were ruled by an oligarchy and the video explains this well

hence why they collapsed

So given all of this, I think we should recreate that rebellion of the 1837 attempt by King and his 5,000 men who tried to break free from the Monarchy and the elites who ran it

Because we are facing the same thing now where  only now it is mega-coporations and private foreign and domestic banks  plus the families who RUN THEM and trade deals that  like NAFTA  have done nothing but ship jobs overseas who have highjacked this once great country... (written by russian journalist of Pravda Stanislav Mishin)

These days there are few things to admire about a bunch of socialist, sociopathic bankrupt and culturally highjacked United States but one thing remains so far: the right to bear arms and defend yourself and one's possessions.

This may shock people here in the West when they read this article because we all know the Russians at point were heavily armed before the Communists took them away and whom Washington supported

Many of the armies who stood up to the Reds, where just regular farmers, peasants and merchants in 1918

To this day Russians do not have the right to bear arms because they are told that everyone would just start shooting other but criminals are still armed to the teeth and the fact everyone would shoot everyone  is insane and completely not true

One example is Switzerland, lowest crime rate in the world because they require their citizens to have firearms and if the government has excess weapons they sell them to the public

My own message to America is the same as the russian: Do not give up your firearms period and do not fall for the propaganda about guns..

Great article for sure