Thursday, October 31, 2013

World Bank And European Bankers To Fund Kathleen Wynne’s Regional Transportation System

World Bank And European Bankers To Fund Kathleen Wynne’s Regional Transportation System

Remember when Kathleen Wynne took over as Premier of Ontario and how she was going to be our "sustainable premier" well she is showing that she does not give a damn about the tax payers of this province by pushing the Metrolinx to create so called sustainable transportation and these scum claim they need 50 billion dollars to complete their changes(which is totally not true and has no facts behind it) and so now the Ontario government has changed their ways of going about this.

Ontario wants to bring in so called "green bonds" to fund infrastructure projects including ones for transit and these bonds according to BNN could be sold to investors as early as next year and that excerpt of the report is in the article

See green bonds were created by the World Bank in 2007/2008 to respond to "climate related opportunities" and used as an investment vehicle by putting money into so called sustainable projects, technologies and the whole 9 yards. Now the World Bank as we all know have enslaved the world through a system of usury but who is SEB group who teamed up with the World Bank to create these "green bonds" The president of SEB is Annika Falkengren who is part of the European banking shadow government and has met with Baron David De Rothchild at these group meetings called HEB and they too are rooted in secrecy as the article will show you and it is disgusting..

Bottom line: Ontario government has been unable to get the money for this regional transportation system through taxes because people don't want them so know they have turned to the World Bank and European Bankers for funding and thus creating a public private partnership then  top it off with the knowledge that The President of Metrolinx Robert Prichard is a bilderberg member and Metrolinx is in  bed with ICLEI (implementing Agenda 21 at the local level!!!!)

This only illustrates we are becoming a corporate fascist state. Please share this with everyone you know...  and by using the CO2 burning the earth fraud to push all of this onto all of us is truly appalling and why we need to fight back and kick these scum out of here..